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RE: Reaching Top 1!!! - An other deck update (27/30) 90% + From F2P to Genesis Board

in Gods On Chain3 years ago

I'm still not super convinced about having 8 archers in the deck. It's good against the light-heavy meta but you're giving up a lot of stats on the creature for the ping.

I was curious about how it did for the weekend ranked and saw that you had a slightly updated version of this deck with a 48% wr, how did it drop so much?


The guy who I got this type of deck from, from Reddit, got 22 wins this last weekend with it, so it's definitely viable. He got 19 last weekend too. I got 14 on both so that guy is definitely better than me haha. Here's his profile, you might need to look back on his history for his weekend Light deck since he changes it a lot:

Well the thing is, it's Control right? So I pretty much spend'em all to hold the board, and then end it with envoy or maybe Zealous March should do the trick! I jsut really have to lower their life to something around "12" before that..

I understand and respect your opinion my man, but that just not happens to be what I have experienced! Now about that other version, as I myslef would told you in an other comment, it is CRAZY the difference it made putting up a pair of Dryder Sailweaver... And this other version happens to be the one wich I tested 1 *Dryder *1 Vanguard Axewoman...

So I can only say to you similar like the other post, it is crazy the difference that adding one card (Dryder) can make, and also if you're talking about matches from yesterday night and on I was very very tired, while really trying to prove my point on why having Dryder is better than Axewoman!

Spent the whole day away so I was not like thinking straight and was just looking for chilling a bit so.. Those were dark days to me before my last achievements haha 😂