An ability to mint and sell core cards was supposed to be one of the main P2E drivers of the game. Core cards are the only asset that scales linearly with number of games played (is not restricted by weekend arena performance), and is being given to players in a very generous way. Unfortunately, this leads to it being overall less desirable. Moreover, while expansion cards are available in limited quantity and for limited time, core cards are available always, and in unrestricted amount.
As a result, most core cards sell on the market for little more than their $GODS minting cost (although there are some notable exceptions, in cards that are vital for specific decks, and players who want to play them competitively can't just wait to drop them). Moreover - as with every set - core cards are not all made equal. A bunch of them could be called useless for any sort of competitive play. This leads to even further reduction of their desirability.
The consequence for us - GU players - is a question: What should we do with excessive core cards if minting and selling them is more hassle than actual worth? One potential solution was already hinted by GU team - an ability to burn specific sets of GU cards in exchange for rewards - most likely cosmetics. The downside of cosmetics being the reward is... well, it is a fairly low value reward as compared to actual, playable NFT's.
My personal idea for a solution here is simple - introduce Core 2. Cards from this set would only be aquirable by burning specific number of unminted cards of given rarity. Each burned cards would bring one points that could then be spent for packs:
- 1 point for each common card.
- 5 points for each rare card.
- 25 points for each epic card
- 150 points for each legendary cards.
Each Core 2 pack would then be priced at 20-25 points. Cards in them would be governed by rules similar to those in traditional core - cards are not NFT's, they need to be forged in order to trade.
This could be an effective solution for fixing the market. Providing sink to excess cards would reduce supply on the market thus raising prices. At the same time Core 2 cards would be harder to acquire (about half the speed) making their cards more desirable for trade.