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RE: F2P Zombie Death YouTube video! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

in Gods On Chain β€’ 3 years ago

"It's ya boy, CidPitch" hahaha. Fantastic.

Just some thoughts (keeping this budget): I think you have enough card draw without Vrock. 2 HP and it gives your opponent card draw. Not so nice. Maybe Fickle Cambions instead? Void Flash vs Ray of Disintegration is a tough call. For one more mana, you have guaranteed removal ability (helpful when behind). I've been running 1x void flash lately and 2x RoD. Maybe that's too much removal for an aggressive deck, but Guild Enforcers (or armor in general) can shut us down hard.

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I don't care if I draw cards for my opponent, they don't have infinite zombies :D I do love me a Fickle Cambian, I'd take out Living Containers for it!

I'm not a fan of Vrock either, 2hp dies to a lot of things.
Cambion is pretty good if you can get it going, if you don't buff its health I find it dies the turn I play it.
I lean towards ray, void flash is awful from behind.