Balance Patch! Reactions.

in Gods On Chainlast year (edited)

TLDR: Solid balance patch. Doesn't solve all the games problems, but that isn't the point.

Hey all. The dev team just released balance patch:

Before diving in to the changes, I think it's important to put things into context. The (small) balance team has been tasked over the past few weeks with monitoring, playing, and coming up with adjustments to the Band of the Wolf set that was released. The idea is to get these cards into shape before they lock. As such, you can't expect this patch to fix all the game's problems. With that in mind, I'm very happy with what they've accomplished. As always, there are a few nits to pick, but without further ado:

Etherbots (nerfs)

Howler Golem


Mana Cost Increased
– Change mana from 6 to 7.

"We made an oopsie." It was a mistake to lower it to 6. Super-rare cards + power equals even more pay-to-win feel for the game. Previous teams have been too proud to admit mistakes. I'm glad to see a bit of humility (we're all human) and just press the undo button.



Health Decreased
– Reduce health from 9 to 7 (New stats: 1/7)

In between where it was (1/5) and where it went (1/9). It's still a very solid choice as far as walls go. Heavily punishes aggro decks pushing high numbers of cheap creatures. Can be bladed, levied, or Bound by Her Will'd. I'm still nervous about buffing cards with such a limited supply, but I think this is probably OK.

Arcane Sphere


Health Decreased
– Reduce health from 3 to 2

OK with this for the same reason, although this certainly wasn't that oppressive. However, if atlanteans ever popped off, it might have been too much. Might have been fine leaving it alone. Not sure.


Raneko Hearthmother


Mana cost changed, stats changed, design changed.
– Increase mana cost from 2 to 3
– Change stats from 2/3 to 2/4
– Change text from “Ally: Set a creature’s strength equal to its health.” to “Ally: Set a friendly Olympian’s strength equal to its health.”

Praise be! No more 6/6 pyramid warden turn 2. Ally is inline with what it was supposed to reward: playing olympians. Still a solid card.

Bitter Endings


Mana cost increased
– Increase mana cost from 3 to 4

Definitely the right direction! Should slow the deck down a bit and make it have to work a bit harder against aggro opponents. I hope we have some time to see if this is enough. Personally, I think you should die at the start of your next turn. It won't effect 95% of games, but if you somehow survive the onslaught, you should win.



Mana cost increased, design changed
– Increase mana cost from 3 to 4
– Change text from “Hidden for 1 turn. Ally: Pull the top card of your opponent’s deck to your hand.” to “Ally: Pull the top card of your opponent’s deck to your hand.”

Dead for aggro deception, and I'm OK (happy) with that. It might still be playable in control, but let's hope not. Having your cards stolen with no counter play options is not a joyful gaming experience. Cutthroat is bad enough as is.



Health reduced, design changed
– Change health from 6 to 5 (new stats 4/5)
– Change text from “Blitz. After this creature destroys another creature, give that creature’s strength and health to a random Olympian in your hand.” to “Blitz. After this creature attacks and destroys another creature, give that creature’s strength and health to a random Olympian in your hand.”

Very happy to see the text change. Trading into Reios before just buffed creatures in hand to insane levels. Limiting it to creatures attacked is the right call. I'm not sure I like the nerf to 5 health, but I think it might be the right call. Valka in all the decks now is 6/5 stats for 5 mana, but Reious adds more stats in hand (and can potentially do it multiple times). I'm just not sure it needed the HP hit.

Blood Oath Binder


Health reduced
– Change stats from 1/3 to 1/2

Yep. The right move. The card has huge upside and still puts olympians in your void no matter what. Now she can be answered by axewomen, tavern brawlers, etc. And let's face it, you're still going to see this dynamic duo:


That's a solid turn 1 against a lot of decks.



Design changed
– Change text from “Summon three 1/1 Zombies to attack a target. If a Zombie summoned this way is destroyed, summon another Zombie.” to “Summon three 1/1 Zombies to attack an enemy creature. If a Zombie summoned this way is destroyed, summon another Zombie.”

Can't go face anymore. Still an incredibly useful card. If you were going to nerf something about this card, this would be it. Being able to swing 6 hp (they lose three you gain three) while also generating 9 favor from hand was a lot. It also laughed at Safeguard Incantation, frontliners, etc. It's still a great way to flip board control. Nice touch.

Aegis of the Innocent


Durability reduced
– Reduce durability from 4 to 2

My only real gripe is that the mana cost needs to come down to say 4. The roar is still nice, but 5 mana is a lot to ask. Previously, this card honestly challenged Lysander's Spear and was a solid replacement. Now Spear is strictly superior. I think 4 mana would give the card back a little of what it lost while keeping it far from OP.

Otherwise, I think it's good that relic hate from sanctum is now a counter play option.



Design changed
– Change text from “Frontline. Armor 1. After a different creatures maximum health increases, this creature gains the same amount of health.” to “Frontline. Armor 1. After a differently named friendly creature’s maximum health increases, this creature gains the same amount of health.”

Firstly, the new text clarifies that two fat cats won't start an infinite loop of health buffs (and they didn't before either).

Thanks to @phoenixskye for pointing out that this is indeed a nerf: now only increasing the health of friendly creatures counts. This is important for things like Holy Writ and Chaining of the Gods.


Assassin's Aim


Design change
– Change text from “Give +3/-1 to a friendly creature. At the end of the turn, give it hidden.” to “Give +3/-1 to a friendly creature. At the end of the turn, give it hidden for 1 turn.”

The perfect change. It doesn't affect hidden rush deception (which never wants to hide the buffed creature more turns), but it does keep Eiko from becoming boderline invincible. Dito for any other ability creatures deception might use now or in the future.




Health increased, Text change
– Change health from 4 to 5
– Change text from “After a different friendly Amazon deals damage, deal 2 damage to the same target.” to “After a differently named friendly Amazon deals damage, deal 2 damage to the same target.

Yes. A move in the right direction. The card was a little lack luster, and an extra HP helps. I'd rather have this card in my amazon deck over Arkmonian Onslaught. Similar payoff but with the backup plan of a solid body of the right tribe.

The text change (like Argus) just clarifies the existing behavior if you manage to meme out two Divyas.



Design change
– Change text from “After your god takes damage on your turn, gain +1 durability. Ability: If this relic has at least 6 durability, summon four 3/3 Rancorous Spirits and remove 6 durability.” to “After your god takes damage on your turn, gain +1 durability. Ability: If this relic has at least 4 durability, summon four 3/3 Rancorous Spirits and remove 4 durability.”

I never got around to building my meme self-damage chime deck. It's definitely "better," but I can't imagine ever taking this over Necroscepter. Except for memes in casual.


I don't see any other way to score this patch except for successful. With the exception of Shrike, cards received minor tweaks and are still very close to their power levels at initial release. Given how toxic/hated shrike is, I'm glad for the heavy nerf hammer to fall on it. They also addressed the overbuffing of Etherbots.

Large balance patches for these limited sets are basically off the table. People who dropped money to buy cards are infuriated if their cards are nerfed to oblivion. That's a great way to alienate players, and should only be done in case of a major mistake (i.e. printing Shrike).

Other concerns from the community (like control war and devouring blade) understandably have to take a back seat. Devouring Blade can be changed at any time (it's Core). Fixing BOTW before it locks has to be the priority.

Thanks for reading! What did you think of the patch?


All of those cards are very strong before nerf. Howler Golem, Firewall, Arcane Sphere are pretty cool neutral cards. Some of the other elements looks strong too but right now I could only imagine since I used nature deck only so far. I wish I have the opportunity to try some other elements beside nature to understand them better.

My scholar manager said he will rearrange deck to the stronger one after some weeks

Great post about the GU Update, Kstreet, love it

I am also ok with the Firewall nerf, the same with Shrike, also the same with Bitter Endings since it slows down the card for one turn, they did Reios nicely. I am actually hoping for "Ember Oni" nerf as it makes deception decks harder to beat in late turns. Most of the deception decks that I got to battle in Midnight Shadow have "A Toast To Peace", "Cutthroat Insight", "Rapture Dance", "Witherfingers", and "Ember Oni", together they make any deception deck insanely defensive, and if they didn't die before 7 mana it would be hard to beat it.

I think your strategy is good because I also can't see another way to score this patch successful!


That rare case. If this was the old Divya, I could kill Witherfingers with my Divya 1 + 2 damage by another Divya I got by the powers of Great Eye's Blessing.

Much said about the patch... I just want to add that Amazons got nice support in BW set and they look interesting. Testing them. :)

Yep. I'm having fun with Amazons. I mean, not currently because everyone in Mythic is playing control war and it's terrible, but I was having fun in Diamond and hope to be back there soon. 😆

Really? I am far from Mythic for too long, no idea what's happening there.

Probably, I should check my War Core cards to sell some since War is OP for too long - soon, they might nerf it.

Good luck on WR in Mythic! 🙂

As I'm not playing this game, I can't give any thought to this, but I hope this will be useful for players and will make the game more adventurous.

You are absolutely right the user who has problems playing the game says that all the problems are solved quickly but as you all know everything takes time and with time this is the thing. If it does, we will all have to wait.

So is everyone going to write balance patch note thoughts :P. I was planning on writing about this but I'm not to sure if i can add more input than that these last two posts have :P. You gave great comments on each changes and some of the input I didn't even consider. A pity they just made shirker unplayable almost :') even though it could pull opponent's cards its kind of random what it can pull. I prefer this over cutthroat insight