Stormstress feels more like a better GE in many circumstances, since it's able to pop Ward and Protected while having the same effective health as GE (if it's killed in one hit).
TBH, I put in Pallas' Wand just to see whether it works well but as a 1 of I don't draw it reliably. And since it's not like Tempo where you get to play multiple cards a turn, the draw engine from Pallas is actually not that good. I actually think it can be replaced with something else.
I'm considering playing this for the weekend, although I might switch it up if I lose like 5 consecutive matches lol
The deck would be pretty cheap without the wand! You have two All-Seeing Spire already.
A couple of weekends ago I started off 2-8 and somehow crawled back to 14-11, so never give up haha