The decklist I was showing at the beginning was on (link for your reference)[TOXIC]%20FakeMews&userId=147667&archetype=Big%20Beasts%20Nature
Another Round is a war-class specific card so it is not legal in a nature deck. You can only play Another Round in your war decks.
Yeah I also agree that learning on what points to focus is important for me in the content creation aspect. The things I worry about in certain lists are likely not concerns or even thoughts for a lot of people. But explaining the process is always important over time the more videos I make I should improve (in theory).
Ah thanks for that I must have overlooked that part on another round.
Yeah true content creation is quite fascinating to me. Maybe you feel as if certain lists are out of people's ranges, but maybe there are certain principles and theories that while you explain in your list people can help find alternatives for or you may already know a budget versions.
I'm sure anything you decide to put your mind to you will improve at. The strategic mindset developed through the other card games and chess will help you navigate many things. I personally like a trial and error approach because sometimes we may not know what the audience truly want until it is created.