in Gods On Chainlast month

Greetings, fellow duelists, how are you?

In the past few weeks, the Gods Unchained project has made some somewhat controversial changes regarding the acquisition of the GODS token, with some players agreeing with them and others not.

poster godss.png


Today, in this post, I want to discuss both points of view to give you clarity if you're considering joining the project, resuming your old account that's gathering dust, or continuing to stay onboard, trusting in the project.


It is now more difficult for a new player to acquire NFT cards since you need to reach League 7 to earn any minimum token fractions. Without NFT cards, you’ll practically earn nothing. You have the option to purchase cards in the game's internal store, but for a new player, it's now an uphill battle if they want to start free-to-play.

Another aspect is that I’ve noticed it's now better to aim for shadow rarity cards if you want to make decent profits, but this requires an investment. Entering as a free-to-play player now would take a very long time to climb the leagues and build a somewhat competitive deck.


Since they removed the GODS token earnings from the first 6 leagues, many more GODS tokens are distributed in the mid and high leagues; this makes me feel that the token could increase in value in the long term.


Another aspect is that if there are bots in the game, it would no longer be profitable to stay in the lower leagues because they wouldn’t earn anything.

On the other hand, this change encourages users to invest in the project to compete in the leagues, as I feel the level of play has increased.

I currently move between Leagues 8 and 9, with some luck, let's say in a middle range where I feel there’s a good level among the users.

Here’s an example of how much you would earn in each league, as I was also in League 7 with an average WAR deck:

🔹LEAGUE 7: 0.30 GODS
🔹LEAGUE 8: 0.62 GODS
🔹LEAGUE 9: 0.87 GODS


These are earnings per victory, and my deck contains 1 gold card, 8 shadow cards, and the rest are meteorite. It would be wonderful to win all 10 matches, but as I mentioned earlier, the competition is tough, and sometimes I manage to win about 5 with some luck.
Obviously, I can’t tell you how much you would earn if you're in a higher league with better cards, but I like to share my experiences and show real results.


In conclusion, if you want to play the game just for fun, you don’t need to invest. However, if you aim to make a profit, I suggest going for purple cards and learning all the game mechanics, as well as the meta cards.

Well, friends, thank you very much for reading my post, reminding you to learn something new, exercise, and most importantly, seek YOUR HAPPINESS.



Saludos humanos duelistas como están...

Estas ultimas semanas el proyecto Gods Unchained ha realizado algunos cambios un poco controversiales frente a la obtención del token GODS con lo que algunos jugadores están de acuerdo y otros no.

Hoy en este post quiero tocar los 2 puntos de vista para que tengas una claridad si quieres entrar al proyecto, quieres retomar tu cuenta vieja que tienes llena de polvo o continuas en el barco confiando en el proyecto.


Ahora es mas difícil adquirir cartas NFT para una persona nueva, ya que para que den fracciones del token mínimo debes llegar a la liga 7 y si no tienes cartas NFT pues prácticamente no vas a ganar nada.
Tienes la opción de la tienda interna del juego donde puedes obtener cartas, pero para una persona nueva ahora la tiene cuesta arriba si quiere empezar freetoplay.

Otro aspecto es que he notado que ahora es mejor ir por cartas de la rareza shadow si quieres obtener unas ganancias decentes, pero esto requiere una inversión. Es decir entrar ahora freetoplay te demorarías muchooo tiempo para escalar en las ligas y obtener un deck medio competitivo.


Como quitaron la obtención del token Gods de las primeras 6 ligas se reparten muchos mas token gods en ligas intermedias y altas; con lo que siento que el token a largo plazo podría subir de precio.

Otro aspecto es que si hay bots dentro del juego ya no seria rentable quedarse en ligas pequeñas porque nos vas a ganar nada.

Por otro lado se esta motivando al usuario a invertir en el proyecto para poder competir en las ligas, porque siento que le nivel de juego ha aumentando.

Yo actualmente me muevo en las ligas 8 y 9 con suerte, digamos que un rango intermedio donde siento que hay nivel entre los usuarios.

Aquí te pongo un ejemplo de cuanto ganaría en cada liga, porque también estuve en la 7 con un deck promedio de WAR.

LIGA7: 0.30 GODS
LIGA8: 0.62 GODS
LIGA9: 0.87 GODS

Estos datos son por victoria y mi mazo posee 1 carta gold, 8 shadow y el restante meteoro. Seria maravilloso ganar las 10 partidas , pero como te dige anteriormente hay nivel y en ocasiones puedo ganar unas 5 con algo de suerte.
Lógicamente no te puedo decir cuanto ganarías si estas en una liga superior y con mejores cartas pero me gusta hacer las cosas desde mi experiencia y mostrar resultados reales.

En conclusión si quieres entrar al juego solo por jugar no tendrías que invertir, ya si quieres entrar a obtener ganancias te sugiero ir por cartas moradas si o si y aprender todas las mecánicas que tiene el juego como también las cartas meta que posee.

Bueno amigos muchas gracias por leer mi post recordándote aprender algo nuevo, hacer deporte y lo mas importante buscar TU FELICIDAD.



To whom it may concern,is not investment advice.
Ethnocentric and joan fonts used .
Use of images from the mentioned project under my editing for photoshop and i.a. My native language is Spanish, I use Deepl translator. Thanks

prompt flux ia (CLICK HERE!👈)


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I think it was a good decision. It is important (for new players and old ones) to keep the game healthy. Killing bots is a thing to do if you want to keep the game sustainable.

The sustainable game means you can invest your time (and money, if you want) in the game, and be rather confident that the game will survive and grow so your efforts won't turn useless. Everyone profits from this.

Another aspect is that I’ve noticed it's now better to aim for shadow rarity cards if you want to make decent profits

How do you know this? Do you mean you need to have as many shadows as possible or you are saying about having a full-shadow+ deck?

Let's hope things get better my friend. Thanks for commenting on my post

It looks like I'll have to get Shadow cards now, I had just completed my Deck with Meteorite.

oh yeah

It looks like I'll have to get Shadow cards now

You don't have to. I have just researched the topic. They directly say: it is better to have a strong meteorite card (that will help you to reach a higher rank) than a weak shiny card. So nothing has changed:

  1. upgrade plain cards to meteorite ones
  2. try to reach higher ranks

What's changed: nowadays, playing decks full of shiny cards in lower ranks is less profitable than playing decks made of meteorite cards in higher ranks. UPD: and, of course, consecutive wins bring good bonus after the update. Of course, if you play shiny cards in Mythic, it's even better.

So don't spend GODS for fusing shadows. Now it's perfect time to earn GODS on selling Core cards. Then, buy meteorite cards you actually need for your deck.



gracias bro


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@danzocal(4/10) tipped @davot

I can’t tell you how much you would earn if you're in a higher league with better cards, but I like to share my experiences and show real results.

Auric Gold's reward is good, I think...

oh yes bro