in Gods On Chain3 months ago

Greetings, fellow duelists! How are you?

Last week was incredible for me in Gods Unchained because I achieved some things I had never done in this game. In this post, I’ll tell you all about what happened, so sit back, grab a good coffee, and let’s dive in.

poster gods davot.png


First of all, the idea of this post is to inspire you and show you, from the perspective of a real player, that it’s possible to achieve great things with a low budget or even like me, who joined this game two years ago and earned everything I have just by playing.
That said, if you’re looking to get started and see results quickly, making a small investment is now the best option since the project’s monetization system changed a few months ago.


Last weekend, I reached Aurolic Gold for the first time, and the best part was that I managed to stay there for a few days, battling and even winning matches! I was just two victories short of reaching Solar.
Playing at that level is challenging because several factors come into play: being a skilled player (the competition is fierce), having high-rarity cards, and hoping the RNG gods are on your side. On top of that, your opponents usually have shadow cards or better and decks worth over $30 on average.
Speculatively, you could earn about 6 GODS tokens daily if you can stay in this league. But, as life goes, I eventually dropped back down to the previous rank.

Here’s the deck I’m currently using, although it’s still missing a few cards:

Captura de pantalla 2024-12-07 101142.png


Aside from the GODS tokens I earned daily, here are screenshots of the rewards I’ll be receiving in the coming days:


I was also awarded a pack containing NFT cards (finally!). This felt like a personal achievement, and I’m thrilled it finally happened. In fact, as of writing this post, I’ll open the pack with you and reveal what I got:

sobre gods.png

Well, these were cards I didn’t already own. While they aren’t very valuable, every little bit helps. I also opened this epic pack, which gave me the following cards. I plan to convert the epic card into an NFT later on.


I’ve also realized that if I want to improve my rewards and my decks, I’ll have to invest. Right now, I’m saving up some of the rewards I earn from the game and content to buy better cards and upgrade others to Gold or Diamond. However, this path is long and requires patience.

Regarding the GODS token, its market activity has been encouraging, and it’s currently trading at the following price:



Overall, this was an amazing week for me in this game, accomplishing significant milestones. I hope to keep growing and documenting my journey so you feel encouraged to join or return to Gods Unchained.

Thank you for reading my post, and as always, remember to learn something new, exercise, and pursue your HAPPINESS.



Saludos humanos duelistas como están...

La semana pasada fue increíble para mi en Gods Unchained, ya que logre algunas cosas que nunca había hecho en este juego y en este post te contare todo lo que paso; así que siéntate,toma un buen café y vamos a ello.

Primero que todo ,la idea de este post es que te inspires y que mires de la mano de una persona real, que se pueden hacer cosas con poco prepuesto o incluso como yo que entre a este juego hace 2 años donde todo lo que tengo lo he obtenido jugando.
Aunque actualmente si quieres entrar y ver resultados lo mejor es hacer una pequeña inversión ya que el sistema de monetizacion del proyecto cambio algunos meses atrás.

Bueno el fin de semana logre llegar por primera vez a Aurolic Gold, pero lo mejor fue que me mantuve algunos días allí batallando y lo increíble es que gane partidas jeje, e incluso me faltaron 2 victorias para llegar a Solar.
Jugar allí, es complejo ya que intervienen algunas cosas como ser un buen jugador ( hay nivel ), tener buenas rarezas de cartas y que el Dios del RNG te acompañe; como ademas que tus rivales poseen cartas de shadow hacia arriba y decks que valen mas de 30 dólares en promedio.
Especulando diría que puedes ganar unos 6 gods diarios si te mantienes en esta liga, pero así es la vida y baje de nuevo al anterior piso en ranked.

Aquí les comparto el deck que estoy usando, aunque aun le faltan cartas:

Bueno aparte de los token gods que gane en cada día, aquí te comparto las capturas de las recompensas que me llegaran en estos días:

También me dieron un sobre donde vienen cartas nft ( por fin ), creo que esto era un logro personal y por fin se me dio, es mas al momento de este post abriremos el sobre juntos y miraremos que nos salio

Digamos que esas cartas no las tenia, pero no tienen mucho valor, pero todo suma. También abrí este pack épico donde me salieron estas cartas, donde la épica que salio la estaré convirtiendo a nft mas adelante.

Bueno tambien he analizado que si quiero mejorar mis recompensas y mis decks, si o si me tocara invertir y estoy en ese aspecto ahora ahorrando algunas de las recompensas que consigo con este contenido y los tokens que me gano en el juego a diario, para así poder comprar mejores cartas y subir de rareza a otras a Oro o Diamante, aunque el camino es largo y de mucha paciencia.

En cuanto al token gods, se ha movido en el mercado y eso es bueno; y actualmente oscila en este precio:

Bueno amigos en general fue una semana muy genial para mi en este juego logrando grandes cosas.Espero seguir creciendo en el juego y poder documentarlo para ustedes para que se animen a entrar o regresar a Gods Unchained.

Muchas gracias por leer mi post y como siempre te recuerdo aprender algo nuevo, hacer deporte y buscar tu FELICIDAD.



To whom it may concern,is not investment advice.
Ethnocentric and joan fonts used .
Use of images from the mentioned project under my editing for photoshop and i.a. My native language is Spanish, I use Deepl translator. Thanks


Hey, great you're having fun while progressing through the game!

If I can just give you a little tip, usually decks with a lot of single cards perform worse than decks with duplicates. The reason for this is that those decks with duplicates are generally more consistent. If you look at the top performing decks, especially for War, they all have 2 copies of most cards. You can get decklists that are proven to be successful from GU Decks and then adjust slightly according to the cards you're missing.

On top of that I don't think I have ever seen a deck with a high win rate that mixes Carvings with so many cards that do not synergize with playing spells. I think if you take any good aggro War deck from GU Decks you'll probably perform better.

It's nice that you show a screenshot of your decklist, but if someone else wants to try it out, it would make it really easy and convenient if you could also post the deck code OR the link to the GU Decks page with that deck info!

Also, the rank name is 'Auric Gold', not 'Aurolic Gold' ;)

Thank you, my good man. I would appreciate if you could give me some tips to improve this deck or if you see any out there to look at how I could replicate it with pictures please. Thank you very much for reading my post.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(1/10) @davot tipped @agrante

Only Diamond cards for best ROI: ) cheap meta Diamonds, all other meta expencive cards can be Meteorite quiality. Check out Gumeta main page with deck and cards stats. And /calculator page for decision making for deck upgrade. I posted lots of articules here, check it out: )

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