Dealing 114 damage in ONE game!

in Gods On Chain2 years ago


alt thumbnail for Peakd!

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New Video!

What's up guys! I'm super stoked for Sealed mode and Chaos Constructed to be released starting this week for Chaos mode, and next week (fingers crossed) for sealed!

Until then, I've got a new video for you where I dealt ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTEEN damage in a single game. And even still, could I get the win??

Control Nature is CRAZY.

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Control Nature's Heals and Evil Scheme

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The idea of control nature is to outlive your opponent in fatigue. You do this by stalling and healing and board controlling until everyone is out of cards and then you play your trump card:

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Once you drop the Curious Wisp, it gets added back to your deck, even if your deck is empty. Therefore you never take fatigue damage, and you always have increasingly larger threats to drop every turn for only a single mana!

This leads to some pretty wild games, including the one I uploaded!

Namely I started editing it because I really wanted a running tally of just how much damage I actually inflicted upon my enemy.

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Alt Art Thumbnails!

I'm going to start trying to upload alternative art thumbnails to Peakd as exclusives for Peakd. I've started making multiple thumbnails per video occasionally recently and it's nice to not waste them!



Follow all Copper's channels and never miss out:


Hello, good battle against "Control Nature". I like the strategy of "Curious Wisp", a weak creature will be the strongest in the end, but your light deck didn't give it more time.👍👍👍

hahaha the hortuk shout sped up 😆


😂 Hortuk and Eiko sped up are so funny lol

It happens to me once in a while, missing lethal, or maybe more, than I could notice. By the way, the voiceover turning into a chipmunk is very funny, LOL!