TOP 10 Devine Order cards that will go up in value + how price formation happens

in Gods On Chain3 years ago

Hello everyone, thanks for checking my post out 🤗. I would like to begin by saying that all of this in not financial advice and what you buy and sell is completely and entirely your decision.

Now that we have the obvious warnings out of the way, I would like to share with you the way I think price of cards forms. I am only going to include new expansion cards in the top 10, since the cards are still somewhat affordable, also the other expansions are a whole different animal as they say.

Factors that form the price:

  • Quantity and Rarity - I wanted to start of with the most obvious one, but yeah the less cards in circulation the higher the price.

  • Packs Purchasable, Winnable - the fact that you can still open the cards that you want drives the price down somewhat.

  • TIME - another pretty obvious one, the older the expansion the more valuable the cards get. A good example of
    This is the cheapest Genesis card you buy, currently. Absolutely no one play this, but the price has gone up from a low of 0.02$ to an Avg. of 0.72$ just because its an OG card.

  • Active Player Number - yet another obvious one, the more players there are the more demand for cards there will be, thus the less cards will be in circulation. Let me show you a STONKS ! graph.
    I believe this was the week that the "Blessing of the gods" started. Now you could argue that those players were just a bunch of bots farming $GODS token, but I would like to think that a lot of average joes got into the event and wanted to get some free tokens. Needles to say that these are rookie number, and the future of this game looks bright in terms of player number.

  • Are they in the META - if you don't know what meta is, the cards that the highest ranking players use in their decks. Now the mata can change, pretty much every week, cards that were valuable can become worthless or less used. You yourself can check what the current meta is by going to GUdecks and seeing what decks the mythic players are running during the weekend. The current meta is pretty much death board wipe, but frenzied warrior is also pretty popular.

  • Locked or Unlocked - now this is a pretty important one, not that many players know about this. Core cards are unlimited and unlocked all forever and ever, that means that the GU development team can nurf and buff them whenever they decide to. Genesis and Trial of the gods expansion are locked, they cannot be changed EVER, what you buy now is what you get until the end of time. This solidifies their value and makes them easier to invest in. The Devine Order cards are currently unlocked (subject to change), but once the event is over they are going to become locked, same as previous expansions. A great example of that is the roller-coaster of a price that "Einar, the Frozen Kind" had. As of now this card has went trough two balance patches.
    1 - card is useless
    2 - news of buff
    3 - buff gets implemented
    4 - card is SUPER meta, and overused
    5 - hella nerfed, kinda sh1t now

  • Influencer Price Manipulation - now this one is a bit of a weird one, but imagine the same concept as the Elon doge coin pumps. If a popular streamer/content creator says a card completely changed his life when he added it to his deck. Price will go brrr...

As the game player number grows so will the influence of the content creators that play the game will.
Now a great example of that is a twitch streamer and youtuber Copperpitch. Whenever someone mentions this in his streams he is quick to deny it but the Copperpump is a real thing.
This is right after his latest video on youtube. People did not just wake up today and decide to buy these cards because they are that good. His video influenced the price of the 2 legendary cards that were in the deck. If you don't know the guy you should definitely check him out, he pretty much gives a ton of advice about the game + a ton of giveaways on his twitch stream.

Now for the TOP 10 🤗
If you've read the previous section, this list could change rapidly if they decide to change something about the cards before the end of the expansion. So if you decide to invest in any them keep in mind that some could have the same fate as Einar, or I could straight up be wrong😀.
insert nOt fiNancIal AdViCe meme

1. Oddi, Valka's Herald
This card is pretty much a better version of Raid Reveller, same stats, same mana, but has an effect.
2. Thunder, Caller
A great early game card to provide more board pressure.
3. Another Round!
This is pretty much a on board/instant "Out of its misery" - currently 20$ as a COMMON card.
4. Necroscepter
An absolutely essential card to the zombie death deck.
5. Helios Justicar
A lot of people are sleeping on this card, or maybe it's because Light is not in the meta right now.
6. Empyrian Pacifist
If you are playing Light zoo, this is an amazing card if you can keep it alive long enough to spam and buff the board.
7. Defend the Ramparts
Stalling to get to 6 mana ? Well I have a great answer for those pesky 3/3 Jaguars.
8. Vow Of Learning
SUPER versatile card, everyone should have at least one in their decks.
9. Lady Marcella
They spammed the board on turn 2 again and you are nowhere near rapture dance ? Well here is yet another deception procrastination card.
10. Celestial Stag
Want free cards on turn 3? Check this alien looking cow-thing. For real tho, its really good if you run out of cards after spamming everything on turn 2.

That's about it, if you think I got something wrong or you want to add something, please don't hesitate to tell me in the comments. These are all just my opinions and educated guesses.
Again, thanks for taking the time to read🤗. I hope you got to learn something new today.
Keep winnin ❤️


@copperpitch the market manipulator! someone call the SEC 🤣

imagine explaining how you manipulated the price of digital cards in order to sell them for digital currency to some old fart at the sec that still cant figure out what a bitcoin is 😂

He ain't Copperpitch no more, he has evolved to Diamondpitch.

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