My third ranked weekend showcase(F2P)

in Gods On Chain3 years ago

This week was a third week i've participated in a weekend event. I've started playing roughly a month ago, but was unable to play on weekends so had to skip the event.

I've chosen midnight shadow as a starting rank because I thought that i would be unable to win any more games on higher ranks. Also, i didn't have to derank as i was trying to create nice decks for all 6 gods and while I was testing them, I got from solar gold to a midnight shadow rank.

Before the forge update, I was only playing nature deck, which I've built by myself and had a pretty good winrate(65%+). It looked like that:


As you can see, i only have 55% winrate with this deck now. I will talk about that a bit later.

When the event started, i started playing and thought that i will easily get a lot of wins, because i won 8 of 10 starting games with this deck.



But suddenly, I started losing and only won 1 of 6 games i've played next. I decided that something needs to change and that something was my deck. I've checked the meta tab in gudecks website and found that big beasts nature has a quite nice winrate and as I'm a big fan of Aeona, that was the ideal choice for me.

After checking some top decks with a big beasts type, I've found one I would like to try:


As i didn't have some cards(mooses, pangolins, bears, rhinos and some more), i had to sell some cards i've got from forging and previous weekend events. The total amount i've earned from selling was ~20$. Then, after changing and buying some cards, this was my final product:


First games were tough as I was learning how to play and which cards should be placed at which moment:


But after these games, I've started to win a lot and proceed to win 17-18/25 games(I don't know exactly as gudecks website missed some my wins, so we will know only when they release a spreadsheet)


The only three games I've lost with this deck while the weekend event took place were two games against zombie death and one game against this:


Fun fact: when I was watching CopperPitch YouTube channel, I saw him playing against this guy(Grasshopper was playing with board wipe death).

In conclusion, I would like to say that if you understand that for some reason you just can't win - adjust to these conditions, change some cards or even completely change your deck/strategy. In reddit, I often see people blaming the luck, but don't forget that your opponent also doesn't always get a perfect luck.

P.S. In the game after which I decided to change my deck, two my confused creatures failed to hit a 14-2 enemy creature and he made two face hits with it, leading to my loss.


My nature deck is a bit different but has also a good win rate.
I agree with the luck you mentioned. I always compare this part of the game to poker. You can have a high win chance with certain cards but it's still possible to lose.
In the long run luck doesn't matter.