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RE: Improving my Amazon deck in Gods Unchained

in Gods On Chain2 months ago

The reason why Selena is still in my deck is really simple, there aren't many Amazons with Ward, so I decided to give it a chance, it all depends on how well it performs. If not, it will unfortunately be removed like the other cards.

I have no problem taking screenshots, I do it very quickly. I would like to use that link, but the dimesions of the card are very large, if there is a command to change it, it would be very helpful.


Things just look better with transparent backgrounds. I don't think you have to worry about the image size, PeakD or any other frontend will always resize them for you. I always use the direct links and I never have issues with the images.

This post for example has a lot of linked cards In this case they are in a table, but resizing also works if you use divs (2 images side by side or image and text).

If you just want one image as you have in this post, then you can use a little resizing trick mentioned for example in this Medium article:



You may have to use centering tags as well. But you can play with the '200x200' part of the URL to get any size you need.


That's very helpful. I wish I had known about this feature much earlier. It makes everything much faster, as you mention, and the image looks better. Thank you so much.