Ranking up in Gods Unchained

in Gods On Chain3 months ago (edited)


Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well.

Last week I made my first post for the Gods Unchained community, I got some advice from agrante and imx.center, thank you so much. They both suggested me to try the Amazon deck as it is easy to play and cheap, so I did some more research and found out that I can rent cards on lootrush, so since I like the nature deck I decided to take the suggestion and rented some amazon cards.

Since the Create power was replaced last week, I'm now choosing the Selena's Mark power, which deals 1 damage to a random enemy creature, not bad at all.

I first tested the deck in some casual games and then tried to win as many games as possible in the Weekend Ranked to earn reward packs. I think I made one or two small mistakes in some games, but that was enough to lose some battles. I managed to get 13 wins, I think it's not bad, but I could do better. I was in the Midnight Shadow rank when I started the Weekend Ranked, so with 13 wins I got 5 packs in total.



I got my first Shadow card in the Dread Awakening pack, I love it.

I want to show you one battle that I really liked, because it was the first time I defeated some powerful monsters with this Amazon deck. I would like to show the full batlle but it's not that exciting since it took me a while to play some cards, and since my opponent's deck was to discard cards from his hand and then summon from the void, it wasn't until round 4 that he started playing big monsters. So, I'll just show a snippet of the battle where I defeated the big Guardian of the Underworld.

I was a little skeptical about this deck at first, but it has some nice combos.

Deck Source

The cards I liked the most were Fae Thornblade, the Blackbriar Whip relic, and Canopy Sniper.

Source: screenshot from gudecks.com/cards

Fae Thornblade, because when an allied Amazon creature is played, I can choose which unit or god takes 1 damage. I really like the relics in general, this one has Godblitz, so I can instantly attack any enemy character, and after making an attack, a 1/1 amazon unit is summoned to my side.

Source: screenshot from gudecks.com/cards

And Canopy Sniper because it was the one that perhaps helped me the most to destroy strong creatures, its effect deals 1 damage to a random enemy creature, so if the enemy has no Frontline creatures, I can simply attack their god with my units and the creature will receive 1 damage for each one. Since this is not a targeting effect, it also helps me defeat many Hidden creatures that are usually low on health.

I'm still playing this deck and it has helped me reach the Ethereal Diamond rank.

After playing many battles with this deck, I can say that it is a good deck, but I don't think it is a top tier deck, so I would make some changes to it to overcome the meta. If I don't get it, I'll try playing other decks. Have a nice day, see you!


All good but where is key card?! My advise is rem: Spearfisher and Selena and add x2 Arkmonian Onslaught. This deck is all in, in best scenario you cast Onslaught on turn 4 or 5 on your 3-4 creatures. your oponent is not dead yet but you have tools to finish him anyway!
check out gumeta stats

Recently I'm using the onslaught spell, so far I'm doing well.

Nice post. It's great you're having success and you've been able to leverage rented cards to improve your game.

Just a small note: I see a few people here posting images from other sources without indicating where they come from. You should always mention where images come from if they are not yours.

In fact I just published something a few minutes ago explaining where to get GU images and how to source them, with examples. Please take a look. And remember you can always go back and edit your published posts.


Thank you very much, your post is very helpful.

I updated the images with the corresponding links.