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RE: Skatehive Community Edit #5

in SkateHive2 years ago (edited)

these community edits are a fun way to find new good music from @stickchumpion 's many years of refining his taste in music. @knowhow92 and @xvlad 's parts really shined this edit, with vlad sending down blocks of stairsets and knowhow's spots all looking really interesting and the tricks on them are the perfect tricks for said spots. im sure knowhows @gnars part is going to be sick. i sent the slow motion ollie but i didn't expect the entire clip to be used, perhaps i will send in a pre-edited edit of more than one trick next community edit, to see how it goes along with the music stix throws behind it. fun stuff! we should keep making these. i will be taking the best clips from the skatehive edits that i make and sending them to the discord channel where stix accepts them we could actually make a full length that way lol. a couple skatehivers i had not seen before @billy and @donaldotreve - looked like he used a super 8 camera to film his footage

 2 years ago  

THanks for the love broooo!!! It was indeed such a nice edit, short and on point! We need to start stacking them clips for the next one hehehe!