Photos from high school found on an old hard drive

in SkateHive3 months ago

i found some skate photos and a few random ones on my parent's old hard drive. i have decided to upload to hive for safekeeping. its crazy and funny to see these. these were probably from around 2004 or 2005, so twenty years ago lol

we used to take the train from the suburbs downtown chicago and skate these sick marble plazas. we didnt have a skatepark or any good spots in our hometown so it felt pretty legendary. as you can see its wet and raining and we are kinda making the best of it.

this was one of the best gaps in our hometown. a crusty wall with a five foot drop. lots of sessions here went down.

mob flip

my homies who a grew up skating with. matt ghabel vince onel and paul stacey. im the guy in the white button down with a white tee underneath lol. i used to dress so stupid.

here we are probably 16 or 17 years old. in my parents house.

this is one time we went to a resturant called phils last resort. and they make paper hats and make fun of you. you can see what they wrote on my hat. people have thought that i am gay but i swear i am not lol

heres vincent reading a newspaper. thinking back thats quite a bad ass thing to do on the train on the way to chicago to skate. vince is smart and has a smart dad. both his parents are smart. he makes skateparks in los angeles now.

heres little paul with his girlfriend not wanting to be photographed. i swear that chick in the foreground was someone from our school but i dont know who..

vince getting buck wild in chicago

heres a funny one. lol what more do i need to say?

heres a photo of paul playing frisbee golf. this was right around the time when digital camera started coming out. we had fun shooting photos we should have taken more.

heres another time the iowa gang came to visit me in Illinois.

Matts Board.jpg
matt's board got run over by a bus this time and it created a rectangular cutout in his deck that we all thought was funny

Shortcut to  Documents.lnk.jpg
heres vince flipping off the camera as he tightens or loosens the knob on the persons crutch. lol

heres me and paul standing on my box in front of my house. this was likely after i just threw a temper tantrum (look at my board)

thats all for now folks


The best gap! and it always felt like 3 times bigger because of the cold crappy weather; ❄️ hah! Cool throwback!


Thats the golden era!! 💎

 3 months ago  

it was yeah

 3 months ago  

Thats cool, webgnar kid ! You might have felt very nostalgic doing it. I will do a post like that soon too.

Old is gold..The photography was really great. This is how some memories remain through photography.

The photos taken in 2004 bring back memories of you when you were a teenager. Everyone looks so smart. The person who took the photos was a very good photographer. Skating seems to be in your blood.

Wow that's amazing..Actually, it's a very beautiful memorable moment.

OOwwhhnn !! So cute Bro ! iI completed in my first championship at Recreio´s Beach Skatepark and placed in fifth. Much Inspiration this post.

in 2005

the photos in air are pretty good for having being done in movement