TWS Crew Topic: Two Tricks In A Row (EP23) by Danico Serbo 🛹

in SkateHive3 years ago

Hey guys! Welcome to episode #23 of "Two Tricks In A Row". These back-to-back tricks by Danico Serbo are from his previous footage he pulled out the Backside Nosegrind on the ledge and Frontside Boardslide on the rail. Danico is the only member of our crew can able to do the BS Nosegrind he can do this trick all day and he is really good at doing this trick. Down below I provided images of his back-to-back trick so you can able to see how he doing those tricks.

Not A Perfect Backside Nosegrind on the Ledge

Of course, even though he mastered the BS Nosegrind he actually failed multiple times before he pulled out this trick. On his first try Danico fell to his board just because the board stop to grind on the middle of the ledge that's why he was out of balance and threw away from the board.

On his second try of his BS Nosegrind, the board stopped in the middle of the ledge same goes for the first try he fell to the board.

On his third try of his BS Nosegrind, the board was grinding perfectly and he almost got that. But unfortunately when he landed the board the front of his deck are tweaked so much on the ground that's why he threw it away from the board.

A Perfect Perfect Backside Nosegrind on the Ledge and Frontside Boardslide on the Rail

Yeah dude, after a couple of failures he finally pulled out those back-to-back tricks so buttery. When he started to ride with his board towards the ledge he popped the board and tweaked the front nose of the board with nosegrind position the front nose locked to the flat bar and started to grind. He grinds the BS Nosegrind on the ledge very smoothly and he landed the board with sweet rolling out.

After he landed the BS Nosegrind he started to push the board towards the rail by doing his favorite slide on the rail the Frontside Boardslide. Everything is perfect and so much control.

I've also provided a GIF image to watch those back-to-back tricks by Danico Serbo.


P.S: I've been playing skateboarding since 2005 and started filming and editing in 2011. On the TWS skate video, you'll find a random of tricks and behind skateboarding, we are not pro skaters we just skate for fun and I really love this.


Stay Safe, Skate Safe.

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Best Regards, @toffer


Nice pictures bro, i love the gif 😍