One of the Dreamtrick that I have been able to fall - "Bigspin Fs noseslide" 🛹[Esp/Eng]

in SkateHive2 years ago (edited)


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I know that all skaters have many tricks that we want to do, some of us want it more than others, some of us just think about it and never try it, some of us imagine almost impossible tricks and others only imagine tricks that we know we can do if we practice a lot.

Se que todos los skaters tenemos muchos trucos que queremos hacer, algunos lo deseamos mas que otros, alguno solo lo pensamos y nunca lo intentamos, algunos imaginamos trucos casi imposibles y otros solo imaginamos trucos que sabemos que podemos hacer si lo practicamos mucho.

Ever since I started skating I have never imagined doing crazy tricks, I have always thought of some tricks that I think I can do and one of those is this trick that I am sharing with you today. I always went to bed and thought, if I have a good bigspin Bs and can do Bigspin fs board, why? I can't try bigspin fs noseslide.

Desde que empece a patinar, nunca he imaginado hacer trucos locos, siempre he pensado algunos trucos que creo que puedo hacer y uno de esos es este truco que le estoy compartiendo hoy. Siempre me acostaba y pensaba, si tengo un buen Bs bigspin y puedo hacer Bigspin fs board, porque? no puedo intentar bigspin fs noseslide.

From that moment on, whenever I practiced, I would try 10 times and quit and I stayed like that for a few days until one day I decided to give it a go and I'm happy to have it recorded. So I can say that I ever fell for it.

A partir de ese momento siempre que practicaba lo intentaba 10 veces y lo dejaba y asi estuve por algunos dias hasta que un dia decidi darle con ganas y estoy contento de tenerlo grabado. Asi puedo decir que alguna vez lo cai.

I'll be honest, it's a trick that cost me a lot despite mastering the bs bigspin well, but it really feels incredible to do it.

Sere sincero es un truco que me costo mucho a pesar de dominar el bs bigspin bien, pero de verdad que se siente increible hacerlo.

I hope you enjoy it.

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 2 years ago  

Duuuude that was so crazy and clean at the same time! Almost perfect!

I too can bigspin good but too afraid to do the Bigspin fs noseslide, I feel like I'm gonna lock it wrong and hit the ground hard hahaha!

Respect man!

You do very well the bs bigspin and david too, I'm sure they can do it. I will tell you the technique of how to do it, doing the bs bigspin far away helps a lot so that the nose falls into the box and obviously scrapes quickly.

que truco tan super técnico hermano!! mereces un trago jaja 🍻

Eso es todo bro, que buen truco se nota que a subido de nivel.
como dices cada patinador trae su truco en mente.

Gracias por el comentario hermano, siempre he dicho que si lo imaginas en tu mente puedes hacerlo realidad solo es cuestión de ir por el truco y listo hermano.

Irgaaa está lacra ese bigspin!!! Yeah malandro

gracias hermanoo, despues de miles intentos pude caerlo.

 2 years ago (edited) 

that is super sick well done

Thanks my friends ❤️