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RE: My first post

in SkateHive6 months ago (edited)

Hey @floressenciarte welcome to Skatehive! Beautiful work my friend, and stoked to have such a talented person as you onboard!

Just a quick advice as you're new! Sharing the same post (My first post) in many different communities is not considered a good practice. Instead, you can utilize communities to share content related to their theme.

For example, for skateboarding content you post in Skatehive, for photography content you post in a photography community, for art content you post in an arts community!This way your profile will look much more beautiful while connecting with like-minded people from other communities too!

If you need any more details jump in our discord and let's connect


Hi knowhow92!
Thank you very much for the reception and the more explanatory way in relation to how I can share in a better and more dynamic way my work in the communities, really the way I did it was not cool but mistakes are learned, thank you for the advice.
I will call you on discord, it will be nice to connect and keep learning!