Cancer / Stroke Survivor Who Skated Across Canada is Writing a Book!

in SkateHive4 years ago

I'm donating the full amount this post is valued at, to the gofund me. Accept it will be out of pocket, in CAD, and I'll keep the HP I earn.

Brandon Harrison

had survived cancer, an aneurism, and a stroke, at a very young age. Having accepted that he could die at any moment, he decided to do something amazing with his time on this planet, and decided that he would longboard across Canada. His father decided to help, so they took a year to prepare, and flew out to Nova Scotia to begin the journey. They then began by dipping their wheels in the Atlantic Ocean, and began pushing west. They had no support vehicle, only the supplies they could carry, and some extra things they mailed ahead to each stop.

When I first talked to Brandon Harrison, he had contacted my local longboarding community page in Winnipeg, Canada, to organize an event for when he passed through our city. When he told me why he was doing what he was doing, I was surprised I had not heard about this epic journey he was on! Granted he did get some news coverage and I don't watch much news, but it still seemed like the news should be treating this as the next Terry Fox story.

When Brandon got close to the city, I went out to meet them at the longitudinal centre of Canada, which happens to be just outside they city, and pushed with them into the city. We then gathered our small group of longboarders, met with local news, and did a group skate through part of the city. If I remember correctly we sadly only managed to raise $300 for his cause, but Brandon didn't let that bother him. He seemed focused on doing what he felt was the right thing for him to do, and his satisfaction came from just being able to share that with others. I was lucky enough to host him and his dad for couple nights, and we became good friends at this time.

group picture at the end of the event

Following His Progress

After he left Winnipeg, I followed his progress as he continued skating west. Along the way he spoke at a few schools in Manitoba, which really impacted many of the kids there, which really will came into play later in his story. He then had an event in Saskatoon, which because I was following, lead to me connecting with this neighbouring community, S.L.U.G ( Saskatoon Longboarding UnderGround ). This actually is what got me into downhill longboarding, as I later would attend one of their races, and thus introducing me to the love for speed I still have today. This also lead me down the path I am on today, of getting to know the longboarding communities across Canada, and then the world. For this, I am eternally grateful for this experience.


Brandon made it to Alberta his home province, when tragedy struck him once again at an event he was putting on. He had another stroke while skating, which paralyzed his left side, and put him in a coma. I remember being floored by the news, and just praying that everything would be ok. The whole community was talking about it, and sending him their thoughts and prayers. Luckily, he woke up 3 days later.


Longboarding godfather Bricin Striker Lyons, awarding Brandon Coast Longboarding medals

When news came out about Brandon's stroke, there was a massive outpouring of support from all the people he touched along his journey thus far. Below is a picture of all the cards he received from kids in a school he spoke to, in a small town in Manitoba. Every time I've talked to Brandon about his recover, he always brings up how much these kids inspired him to keep fighting.

When I visited him once he was back home, his walls were covered in these cards, signed boards, Coast Longboard medals, news paper articles, and memorabilia from his skate across Canada. I honestly couldn't think of a better example of good karma, then Brandon inspiring people with his selfless actions, and the response to that became his inspiration to keep fighting to get stronger.

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News story about his stroke, and how the local community responded:

Redemption Run!

Redemption might sound like an odd word to use here, since he clearly didn't do wrong, or make an error, as the definition would imply. Instead I am referring to what we call in longboarding, the Redemption Run. It's when you crash on a run, or something goes wrong, so you get up and take another run, so you can finish on a good note. Brandon took 3 years to teach himself how to first walk again, then to ride board again! But he was determined to finish what he started! Granted Brandon was going through mountains now, so he did use a specialized bike for part of the way, to keep him safe on the steep roads along his journey.


Fast forward a little ways, Brandon makes it to the Pacific Ocean to dip his wheels in the other ocean, and it lands on I think the 3rd year anniversary of his last stroke!


Support Brandon's Book!

So obviously I have just told you the side of the story that I know, but I highly recommend that read Brandon's journey in his own words, and to do that you'll want to help him get it published! I have included the GoFundMe page at the bottom of the page, but I will also donate the entire value ( in Canadian ) of this post to his GoFundMe! So the way I picture it working is that I'll just keep the HP earned, then send him the same dollar amount, so it's almost like i just bought some HP for myself, and he got the money.

GoFundMe Link