in SkateHive6 months ago


Se ha intentado que la sección de videos "Short ones" se divida en una publicación por semana, desafortunadamente, o afortunadamente, no hemos estado ni siquiera cerca de lograrlo jaja pero bueno, ¿Qué le vamos a hacer?, si no volver a intentar mantenerte entretenido con clips geniales de skate que no te llevarán más de 1 minuto de tu semana observarlos, para ti que nos sigues y dedicas un poco de tu tiempo para disfrutar vernos patinar, con gratitud, "Short ones" vuelve a tu pantalla.We've been trying to split the "Short ones" video section into one post per week, unfortunately, or fortunately, we haven't been even close to make that many videos haha ​​but hey, what are we going to do? Gonna keep trying to keep you entertained with great skate clips that won't take more than 1 minute of your week to watch again. For you who follow us and dedicate a little of your time to enjoy watching us skate, with gratitude, "Short ones" is back on your screen.

Se siente bien ver que nuestro amigo @jorge.alcala esta de regreso después de su grave esguince a principios de año. Sin duda se muestra con toda la actitud para cerrar el año detonando.It feels good to see our friend @jorge.alcala back after his serious sprain at the beginning of the year. He certainly shows all the attitude to end the year destroying

#SkateHive #SkateHiveForLife #HomelessKrew #KeepSkating420 #MX

Social media:

🐝Hive: https://peakd.com/@homelesscrewmx ⛵️ Odysee: https://odysee.com/@homelesskatecrew:e 📷Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bowleros_lokos/ 🔴YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI4LvEtVdEOduwGnzzgwzyg 🦁LeoThreads: https://leofinance.io/@homelesscrewmx

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 6 months ago  


Bzzz-rrr! Ouço que o "Short Ones" está de volta e eu estou FREAKIN' PUMPED! Obrigada por manter o skateboard estilo brasileiro vivo, @homelesscrewmx! #skatehive

we r mexicans yo haha

Wow, sorry, guys! I confused the time zone, the border, and the country! What a mistake, huh?! Let's fix this quickly!

Thanks for letting me know! Mexican style skateboarding in the vein! Bzzz-rrr, let's do it! 🇲🇽💥