Layback Life Bee Sides - Manual To Wallride

in SkateHivelast year

manual to wallride portada.gif

Skating seems easy but it is not, the tricks seen in the video clips often cost a lot of sweat and effort, sometimes blood and I have even seen tears involved when I record my fellow skaters. "Bee Sides" was born with the intention of showing how hard a skater's effort is to achieve the tricks that lie in his mind so people who know nothing about skateboarding will value our art on the skateboard a little more.Patinar parece fácil pero no lo es, los trucos que se ven en los video montajes a menudo cuestan bastante sudor y esfuerzo, a veces sangre e incluso me ha tocado ver lagrimas de por medio cuando grabo a mis compañeros patinadores. "Bee Sides" nace con la intención de mostrar cuan arduo es el esfuerzo de un patinador para conseguir los trucos que yacen en su mente y de esta manera la gente que no sabe nada sobre skateboarding valore un poco más nuestro arte sobre la patineta.

#SkateHive #SkateHiveForLife #HomelessKrew #KeepSkating420 #MX

If you liked this clip you can watch our full video here:Si te gusto este clip puedes ver nuestro video completo aquí:

Layback life by Bowleros Lokos


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 last year  

yo dude can you follow the skatehive curation trail?
it helps the skatehive community.
basically it auto-upvotes content with your account.
you earn HIVE when you upvote things. this will make sure you upvote stuff in the skatehive community, which you earn percentages on.

log in with hive signer and follow the @steemskate curation trail yo

 last year  

dude another thing. when Hive is UP, you should convert it to HBD and when hive is LOW you should buy Hive with HBD. if you want. its trading. but also, you have a decent amount of HBD, why dont you put it into savings and earn 20% on it?
Screenshot 2024-03-21 at 12.40.44 PM.png

It's done!!! thanks for the sick tips master

Owww Homeless Crew, obrigado por compartir esta vivência skateboard com os los hermanos 🙌🏾🙌🏾

Glad u like it. hope our words inspire u @blessskateshop :))

Some things are always difficult. But these can be made easier. For this you can practice daily. Skating is always good. Just never stop trying.