New Items and Characters in Quest For Stoken

in SkateHive2 years ago (edited)

A new California level that utilizes surfing while in the water.

New coin items - a trash barrel and a "Trash" dumpster that says "Thrasher" when activated.

A Mexico themed skater.

A dog character.

New characters.

Trash barrel coin item.

A streetlight for a level that utilizes heavy car traffic.

A city level where the characters climb skyscrapers to the top.

A plaza level like Grant Park in Chicago.

New characters selection screen for choosing between different skaters.

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A new seagull enemy.

We hope to work these new characters and items into the game soon, but for now you can play QUEST FOR STOKEN! - - at STOKEN.QUEST - -


@web-gnar #skatehive

 2 years ago  

No more birds, PLEASE hahaha (jk)! Super sweet work man, California level looks so chill, bet the soundtrack is gonna be so dope too!

You should tie those characters with Stoken when we launch, users should be able to buy them with Stoken and one more nice idea would be to start reaching out more projects as you grow the game so they can be featured inside the game and pay you something for the permanent advertisement!

 2 years ago  

maybe the mexican guy shouldnt be wearing a hoodie. its usually pretty hot in mexico right @homelesscrewmx ?

 2 years ago (edited) 

true!! 🌞 Sunny days are the most common for us, you can find no t-shirt guys at skatepark very often

OK- i just thought the hoodie looked cool lol

 2 years ago  

it does. especially on the black dude

the surfhive will like the surfer

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