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RE: The "Salvation"|| Landing the Noseslide Nollie Flip Out

in SkateHive3 years ago

Incredible brother how this second day you kick the nollie flip much better I'm glad you're falling this trick again, these days I was thinking about doing bigspin fs boardslide after a long time.

Time without doing the tricks and everything scares me.

 3 years ago  

THanks G and yeah, wish I'd land at least one in day 2. Tries were excelent but it didn't work out! Glad I landed it at the next day even if it was a bit sketchy!

Bro, you kidding me about the Bigspin Fs Board? I'm sure you can do that in 2-3 tries and perfect!!!! GO FOR IT GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG