ainsuphaur cross-posted this post in Anarchism 4 years ago

Breakdown of my water security projet in my community.

in Natural Medicine4 years ago (edited)

Milestones covered through your support

Few months ago, I started a projet on water security in my community in West Africa which I also brought to my DeFi communities for support. The details of this water projet is comprehensively stated on this article too. But my main purpose of putting up this article is for confirm to you that I appreciate all your support, and also to show you things that are being done as I still hope for full sponsorship to this projet.

You have assured me through your support and encouragement that I was never alone; that you’ve been there for me and my poor community that have been going through though times from potable water 🚰 challenge in Nigeria,West Africa.

I’m committing my little savings to this projet without any delay.


Reservoir tank seller’s shop in Nigeria

As I’m still waiting for help and sponsorship to this projet, I’m not fold my hands waiting for the projected total fund needed to arrive at once before I do something. I started with the items that are lower in price. I’m saving gradually for this projet through your support here and through other things that I’m doing off line; like my farming activities and entrepreneurship engagement.

I saved up $300 recently and invest it in a reservoir tank which is one of the items needed in my water projet.


1000 gallon purchased for the projet

This is 1000 gallon capacity of reservoir tank that I recently purchased from my little savings that I’m making from vegetable sales and from votes from my articles here. I am a type that takes things gradually and as provisions gradually comes. First thing is to have a dream, next is to give your dreams a shape that will bring life into it. Plan is the shape that molds dreams into shape, and shape is achieved when you put your dreams and plans into a book; write them down. Then start working on them without wasting time! That’s how I’ve been surmounting my challenges and achieving my dreams.


Invoice credited to our progress

I took this tank to my place and also thought on how to achieve something with it as I still wait for other bigger funds to provide other big requirements.

This tank was obtained on this September when we had few and weaker rainfalls in West Africa.

I seized that small opportunity from rainfall to save up to 500 gallons of water for my crops and for other house chores. I achieved this by purchasing extra things like hangers and plastic water collectors which I utilized to collect raining waters into the tank.


Water collectors attached to my roof for rain water

Water is really a huge challenge in my community, such that no one could afford to play oversight on any opportunity to get and to store water.

The little water that I was able to collect from Mother Nature through rainfall has turned a huge way by which I and my poor neighbors are mitigating these sandbags on our necks as it relates to water scarcity.


My projet tank already saving the day!

But how far can water inside this tank go?

Well, it doesn’t matter, rather I’m grateful that we’ve come this far. Now you could see reasons why this projet needs to be accomplished as it will help much people in my community.

It’s not up to the centralized governments of the world to fix this earth, every life on earth must play a part in healing our world. We in developing countries can’t fold our hands waiting for our government to do everything for us because some of them are made up of selfish politicians that doesn’t care for citizens.

Recently Nigeria government raised a bill that if it is passed will give federal government full control over every water source in Nigeria, meaning that the states and citizens will not carry out water scheme unless they got permission and approval from the federal government. Such approvals will meant that the state and and private sectors must bring the federal government in in any water scheme that they want to engage on.

According to the minister of water resources in Nigeria, who claimed that the water bill will favor the citizens, but I don’t understand such favor when they’re also planning to ban and proscribe bottle water production which is from where many of us are getting potable water from; now at least.

Nigeria Water Resources Bill will Stop plastic and bottle water production which they blamed on plastic waste that is becoming a trait to the nation.


Plastic and bottle water is what we drink daily, and not everyone can afford them.

The issue is not about banning plastic and bottle water production, it’s about having a system where these items (plastics) can be disposed and recycled into something else, because recycling or what we call circular economy is good, it’s big business everywhere in the world. The responsibility of federal government and NAFDAC would be to ensure that quality of water that the people are drinking is good.

When I was still a child around late 80s, we didn’t need to even boil water from the tap provided by the water scheme, people were drinking water coming straight from the tap. Now, over the past 30 years, something has really gone wrong; state government are not really investing into water projets as they should in line with the population growth which should be their yardstick for equation. They need to plan, they need to invest to ensure that they’re always moving a step ahead of the population.

How will Nigeria water resources bill impact water resource management in the country if it’s passed?

What are the visible critics of the this water resources bill?

The federal government of Nigeria is saying three fundamental things concerning this bill.

1: Citizens participation

Federal government is assuring the masses that this bill will allow for more active citizens participating in water projets

2: Proper regulation

The federal government claimed that water resources bill will properly regulate how our waters are being used to ensure that water isn’t wasted, water is properly conserved and the quality of water is protected, including that every citizen will have right to this water.

3: It’s going to empower farmers. In the irrigation component of the bill, there is a provision to empower farmers to be involved in operation and maintenance on secondary and tertiary irrigation schemes because recently, 60,000 hectares of 130,000 hectares of irrigation were not functioning in Nigeria. Even at federal level, Nigeria is finding it difficult to be able to manage, to rehabilitate and improve in this irrigation facility. Not until they got world bank facility which we’re looking to see how the expansion will look like in recovering our 48,000 of irrigation which the projet suppose to finish in 2022.

4: Additional means of supporting state governments.

Much fund in the bill as federal government has claimed, will provide additional means of supporting state governments to invest in water.

5: Citizens right will be protected

Above all, this bill will provide adequate protection to citizens right. Through the bill, the federal government will be able to monitor both ground and surface water so that they can protect it and use it in such a way that opportunity is also given to future generations to come and also enjoy this water. The previous generation polluted and wasted the water resources, which is one of the reasons we’re facing water challenges now.

This laws has been existing for the past 40 years as the federal government claimed, and they’re assuring Nigeria that no body’s right will be infringed now, but rather, it’ll serve a protection to everyone.

Nigeria government also claimed that the major antagonist of this bill stands to gain more because fresh water in Nigeria flows from the North to the South.

Federal government calls the citizens antagonists because they do not trust them anymore, some of bills from Nigeria government comes with secret agendas that are not at the interest of the somebody citizens.

Who are the antagonists?

Some Ijaw youths organization says that they don’t support the bill because there’s no trust in what the government is saying anymore. They believe that this is just a ploy from federal government to cease their right over their water ways which has served as their internal immunity and source of livelihood. These men are know for fishing, and almost 70 percent of fish market in Nigeria could be traced from Ijaw community. Nigeria crude oil is also coming from these areas also known as Niger Delta region. Pipelines are all over their river lines. Nigeria government is also being accused of marginalization; taking natural resources from people and leaving them vulnerable without adequate attention and care. Maybe this is what the masses are suspecting in this water resource bill.

Recently, the honorable minister of water resources, Suleiman said that on national radio network that this bill is targeted at Ijaw people, he claimed that the bill will be protecting them.

This is a bill that the federal government is pursuing so that they’ll have a law that’ll hand the power of downstream users and owners of these waters over to them (the government).

The government also admonished the masses to pay no attention to all the political rigmarole and all that the people is trying to insinuate; bringing so much fabrication about what their water resources bill is not intended for.

This is why Nigerians are trying to educate themselves to know if to stand this bill as beacon of hope to their water problems of not. Right now no body knows wether this Bill is for the good of every citizenry or not.

Well, I’ll not wait and watch people dying, all in the name of waiting for government which couldn’t fix their country after 60 years of independence.


My community children fetching from contaminated flood water

Details of my bore well water projet in my poor community.

Business plan on bore well water projet in Ugwogo Community, Enugu State, Nigeria.


My names are Ifeanyi Maxwell L. Anyachor. I am first an accountant, an entrepreneur cum agro expert. I hail from the eastern part of Nigeria.

I want to humbly use this medium to apply for a loan in the sum of $3000 to enable me set up a potable water supply through a drilled well system in Ugwogo village in Enugu East Local Government of Enugu State, Nigeria.

The government's failure to ensure that potable water is supplied efficiently and equitably has led to rural dwellers fetching water from ponds, streams or even shallow wells. This has invariably exposed individuals to water-borne diseases and other serious health challenges. The passion for human welfare is what has made me go out of my way to seek financial intervention that will help alleviate the sufferings of vulnerable children and the elderly living in rural communities.

This projet would go a long way in providing a sustainable supply of clean water in the community year round. It would also help reduce the rate of water-related infections caused by drinking contaminated water.


1: Create a sustainable supply of clean drinkable water in Ugwogo village – Enugu state Nigeria

2: Increase the overall availability and accessibility of hygienic water in the community

3: Reduce the stress of walking long distance by children and women to get water

4: Reduce the problem of shortage of water especially during the inevitable hot weather in Africa occasioned by dry season at an affordable rate

5: Create irrigation channels for the communities’ domestic and agricultural needs


The demand for water is said to be increasing at an exponential rate relative to the world’s population growth rate. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) there are 3.4 million diarrhea deaths related to unsafe and unhygienic water every year.

The majority of deaths are children in developing countries, such as Nigeria, with poverty being the significant causal factor. The focus on water supply service has been prompted by the fact that during discussion with some members of the community, water supply ranked highest in terms of environmental and health problems in Ugwogo village. For this reason, I am willing to commit myself to solving this problem with the help of your financial assistance and friendly repayment terms.


Farming is our source of survival, yet we don’t have good water source.


To achieve this goal I have made significant progress by purchasing a land size equivalent to 460 square meters in Ugwogo village – Enugu East Nigeria.

I have also identified a reputable and professional drilling company (Deep Water Well Ltd). We have chosen to partner with them on this project because they understand the terrain and can deliver quicker and at a cheaper amount, unlike their counterparts.

My plan is to construct a drilled well about 100cm in diameter and a 3048cm in depth. The well dimensions are sized to accommodate adequate seepage and re-charge within the local geographical conditions (coal is present). The water table is located approximately 3000cm below ground. The drilled well is expected to yield a flow rate of about 75L per minute. This will ensure the availability of clean water irrespective of the season (rainy or dry) that the region normally undergoes. This will be followed by construction of an overhead steel tank stand for water storage and apron slab.


• Site inspection would be carried out by the representatives of the drilling company

• Assembly of drilling rig/machine to site

• Commencement of drilling operation and lining of the bored well with caisson to prevent collapse

• Pump testing would then be carried out to ascertain the flow rate and recovery rate of the well

• Installation and testing of water filtering equipment

• Installation water pumping machine and overhead tank as storage reservoir

• Laying of pipes, cable trenching would then be carried out

• Maintenance and risk assessment checks would be carried out on a basis best recommended by the drilling company











I intend to pay back the $3000 capital with a 7.5% annualized interest over 24 months. Repayment starts counting a month after the projet is established and functional, and shall be carried out quarterly; this will be fully paid in the space of 8 quarters.


I intend for this project to be highly sustainable because the product it will give to the community is a natural resource; meaning that the cost of production will be very minimal while the product remains stable year round. As a result of this, I intend to form a working relationship with the youth community representative.

I am confident that the collaboration would allow for smooth cohesion and viability of the business once the projet is executed. There are over 145,000 indigenoues living in Ugwogo Village and only a few have access to potable water.

Considering the limited number of water vendors in the community, I believe our project will be a welcome development and receive good patronage.

The large number of farmers and their livestock in and around Ugwogo community has made the demand for water high due to its agricultural uses; this projet will leverage this opportunity for its fast growth.



Our children drinking from dirty and contaminated flood water

Water they say is life. Water serves as a basic human resource for cooking, drinking, farming and other various activities. This projet would impact on the lives of the people who live, work and go to school in Ugwogo community.

Remember: $3,000 only is what is needed to change the narrative of this article and put smiles and life into many!

Contact me here or through my email:

Thanks for being a good citizen of our dear and only precious planet earth 🌍

Yours Max.



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