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RE: Tournaments in Splinterlands are UNFAIR. Come and rant with me, lets try to change this! + Giveaway

Personally I think that tournaments are more or less what they should be. A lot of us play in Bronze league despite not actually have Bronze level cards (lvl 2+ summoners, lvl 3 commons,etc) Tournaments in ALL TCGs are sort of the best of the best. When you enter a Bronze league tournament the Bronze tag alone will limit any advantage a silver deck would have over a Bronze deck if it truly was a top level Bronze deck, ie most things at max level for a Bronze. That said, I'm not winning anything in tournaments so I feel your pain, it does sort of suck to not have a chance against those that are truly competitive in Bronze.

To alleviate your concerns a bit though. The game does scale entry costs based on your league. IE if a Silver player is entering a Bronze tourny, the price is WAY higher. For example, the Bronze buster tourny goes from a 6sps entry to something like a 75 sps entry fee with places 65+ paying out only 12.

 3 years ago  

thanks for your comment! I did not know about the variation in entry fee, never seen that before!