In Co working Bansko we organize different events almost every day, that's why this place is so special, because we exchange ideas and everyone tells interesting stories related to their journey around the world. This is a community that can only enrich us and show us a new world even if only through stories. Each and every meme is interesting in its own way, of course as we humans all are. Tonight we went out to dinner with some of the members to get to know each other because there are new ones almost every day.
I will upload every day different posts from our events, and I aim to welcome each of you who lead this lifestyle to visit us in Bulgaria-Bansko. Usually in winter you can ski or snowboard here and separately have all kinds of other entertainment and most importantly feel at home.
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Супер сте! Няколо снимки обаче не са успели да се качат. Видях и накрая хаштаг introduceyourself. Сигурно си забравила, че той се ползва само за първи пост в мрежата!
Супер сте Теди ;)
Давай вкарвай ги един по един ;)
И пиши и на български в групата мама да може да чете ;)
Добре, забравих , следващия ще е на бг 👌
I've been there! Good see you're still in business
Really, when and do you have a plan to back here again?
I've visited Bansko twice; first time was magical and our second visit was a major disappointment, so I'm not sure if I'm going to be back. I live in Sofia, and vacation in VT and the black sea coast.
Прекрасно Банско, прекрасна компания.💫💕💫💕
Банско е България!💗
Много хубаво местенце!💕💫💕
Май се чувствате прекрасно там🧐😁💕💫!?