That supposedly fixed true north is not really fixed, for the earth's axis precesses over a 26.000 year cycle, not to mention that the whole earth moves.
Good point.
So, iff a "fixed-point" is required, in order to properly answer the question "where were you born", you'd be forced to calculate where exactly the planet earth was, relative to its orbit around the center of the super-massive-black-hole at the center of the milky-way-galaxy at the time of your birth (and additionally the movement of the milky-way-galaxy as a whole, relative to its current position).
In other words, you were born very very very far away in a (most likely) probably empty region of space that is going to be extremely difficult to pin-point (and you'd probably need to devise some sort of novel universal-grid-division of space-time itself (UGDOSTI) in order to reference the precise location of that "fixed-point").
And even this "fixed-point" would be more of a "smudge" or "streak" through several discrete UGDOSTI points because the planet earth didn't simply stop moving between the time you started being born and the time you were actually fully extricated.

Your scathing critique is requested.
@logiczombie, Do you mean that new space-time is being created in the universe?😳
Not exactly. Space-time is expanding, AND when the earth revolves around the sun, it doesn't end up in exactly the same SPACE-TIME-QUADRANT. In other words, the planet earth never matches its precise position more than once. Even if the sun never moved and the orbit of the earth never changed. The earth rotates 365.25 times every orbit. This means that the earth makes a one-quarter rotation OFF from a perfect orbit.
Not to mention that the sun is orbiting the center of the galaxy.
Not to mention that the earth's orbit around the sun is deteriorating.
Not to mention that the fabric of spacetime itself is expanding.
The "place" you were born (the cube-of-space) in which you were born, is very very very very far away.
Your argument is interesting! By the way, what does that mean for me and humanity as a whole? Do you mean the end is coming to mankind and the earth?Dear @logiczombie,
It's intended to illustrate that often what we intuitively believe are "absolute and unchanging locations" are actually quite dynamic.
Dear comrade @logiczombie, Since humans are made of dirt, they break quickly.
Excellent point.
thank you very much for sharing, have a great day and good mood
thank you for the interesting article, have a good week