Magick & the Mundane :: Surviving the Holidays with a Little Spellcraft.

in Magick2 months ago

Artifacts from my past surround me as I type from my childhood bedroom in Northern California. Outside there is mist and sporadic rain. Inside candles are ablaze and I lit an incense stick just before setting out to type this article. The mood is perfect for a bit of nostalgic spells and a cozy reflection on the path of my witchcraft.

Every time I visit the homelands I like to engage in a bit of spellwork that ties me to the roots of my practice and reminds me of who I am.

A green witch, an artist, a writer, and a dreamer. But, as you can imagine, there are plenty of aspects of home-coming that I wish to repel; old family drama, stories from the past brought up just to start a fight. I don't want anything to do with all of that.

All those old energies and stories floating around in people's minds need a place to go. And if certain family members are unwilling to let go of the past, forgive & forget .... then, the witch in the family needs to do a bit of energetic work to release those negative feelings.

As a highly sensitive person I can't help but taking on some of those destructive emotions and feeling bad when people bring up the past to re-hash once again. I sat silently as the argument occurred and later was criticized for saying nothing. Really, I had nothing to say. And now that I am back in my childhood bedroom and the garden that surrounds it, I release that energy into the Earth, burn incense to chase all lingering emotions away, and replenish the space with the good vibes that the plant world brings.


Wishing you a lovely Christmas @calendulacraft 🎄

Thanks!! And a merry christmas for you as well.

I loved your post, it has been a connect with someone at last in this community with whom I can share what I am.What has counted is exactly part of my life routine, what I am.Thanks for being and being a sister.