De vuelta a casa

in Venezuela2 years ago (edited)

La gente más amable, la sonrisa más brillante y un abrazo hermano nunca te faltará aquí, en mi hermoso país...en mi amada Venezuela
Hola, les habla una chama como cualquier otra que deja hoy en esta comunidad una de las experiencias más liberadoras y conmovedoras que he vivido los últimos años, me imagino muchos de los que leen esto son paisanos, otros lejos de casa y algunos acá.
Yo, soy una de las millones y millones de chicas que fueron ambas, salieron buscando un mejor futuro y tuvieron la dicha de volver a lo que tanto ama.
El día 05 de enero del presente año mi mamá, hermano y yo partimos a Puerto Cabello de dónde es mi familia materna a dar el feliz año a mis familiares cercanos y compartir juntos aquel momento tan feliz que llevábamos años anhelando.
Visitamos el malecón lugar donde viví tantos momentos en mi niñez, no cabía de la dicha y las lágrimas de felicidad brotaban de mi sin poder retenerlas, pues, estaba como viviendo un sueño, uno que yo tanto pedía en mis extensas horas de trabajo en el extranjero, con el alma rota y sin ganas de nada más que el impulso de querer volver a mi hogar.

The kindest people, the brightest smile and a brotherly embrace will never be missing here, in my beautiful country... in my beloved Venezuela.
Hello, this is a girl like any other who leaves today in this community one of the most liberating and moving experiences that I have lived in recent years, I imagine many of those who read this are fellow countrymen, others far from home and some here.
I am one of the millions and millions of girls who were both, left looking for a better future and had the joy of returning to what they love so much.
On January 5th of this year my mother, my brother and I left to Puerto Cabello where my mother's family is from to wish a happy new year to my close relatives and share together that happy moment that we had been longing for years.
We visited the malecon, the place where I lived so many moments in my childhood, I was overwhelmed with joy and tears of happiness flowed from me without being able to hold them back, because I was living a dream, one that I had been asking for so much in my long hours of work abroad, with a broken soul and with no desire for anything more than the impulse of wanting to return to my home.


[ Foto tomada por mi mamá desde mi Android ]


Aquí quisiera también decirles algo que me dió mucha gracia cuando lo analice y es que me sentía extraña, la amabilidad que tanto nos caracteriza se había esfumado de mi vida durante 5 largos años y al volver fui arropada con ella, cosa que me dejaba con una sensación de dicha y rareza, al comentarlo con mi mamá no paramos de reír, pero bueno sigamos.
A la mañana siguiente nos preparamos junto a mi abuela y fuimos rumbo la playa, yo estaba, bueno no sé ni cómo describirlo, la playa es mi lugar favorito y siempre anhele volver al mar caribe de mi querido país.
Ya para cuando llegamos a playa blanca ( la más cercana a nuestra disponibilidad) no cabíamos de la sorpresa, estaba llena de gente, tanta que no se veía espacio en la arena solo se veían personas.
Igual eso no nos desalentó y decidimos caminar por la orilla hasta encontrar un lugar para colocarnos y así caminamos hasta llegar a unas ruinas ( detalle importante el mar estaba muy picado o violento para los que no entiendan jaja) tuvimos que esperar a que pasaran otras personas para poder caminar y he aquí el evento que marco el resto de la velada, al caminar agarrados de las ruinas y muy despacio nos arropó una ola, mojando todos los bolsos y ropa.
Yo personalmente no paraba de reír luego de comprobar que todos estuvieran bien, a mi abuela el mar le limpio la cartera ya que al ella voltearla salió la mitad de la ola solo de allí jaja, yo lo ví como el abrazo de mi querido mar, uno de bienvenida a casa.
Seguimos caminando entre bromas y risas hasta una zona medio despejada y armamos nuestro toldo, otra cosa muy graciosa pues el viento era tan fuerte que cada dos minutos caía encima de quién sea que estuviera dentro de el.

Here I would also like to tell you something that gave me a lot of fun when I analyzed it and that is that I felt strange, the kindness that characterizes us so much had vanished from my life for 5 long years and when I returned I was wrapped with it, which left me with a feeling of joy and strangeness, when I talked about it with my mom we did not stop laughing, but well let's continue.
The next morning we got ready with my grandmother and went to the beach, I was, well I do not even know how to describe it, the beach is my favorite place and I always longed to return to the Caribbean Sea of my beloved country.
By the time we arrived at Playa Blanca (the closest beach to our availability) we couldn't believe our surprise, it was full of people, so many that we couldn't see any space on the sand, we could only see people.
But that did not discourage us and we decided to walk along the shore until we found a place to stand and so we walked until we reached some ruins (important detail the sea was very choppy or violent for those who do not understand haha) we had to wait for other people to pass to walk and here is the event that marked the rest of the evening, walking clinging to the ruins and very slowly we were swept by a wave, wetting all the bags and clothes.
I personally couldn't stop laughing after checking that everyone was ok, my grandmother's purse was cleaned by the sea because when she turned it over, half of the wave came out just from there haha, I saw it as the embrace of my beloved sea, one of welcome home.
We continued walking between jokes and laughter until we reached a half cleared area and we set up our awning, another very funny thing because the wind was so strong that every two minutes it fell on whoever was inside it.


[ Foto tomada por mi desde mi Android, luego de luchar con el toldo se logró ]


Yo realmente me estrese y decidí bañarme o intentarlo porque las olas eran muy violentas ( alguien debió haberme detenido) al entrar no estaba tan mal crei que podría llegar más allá y cuando voltee para llamar a mi hermano me arrastró una ola, claro él no paro de reírse en la orilla mientras yo tragaba agua salada, decidí intentarlo otra vez ( malísima idea ) me llevo otra ola y allí si desistí de la idea jajaja.
El resto de la tarde estuve con mi hermano en la orilla siendo su cómplice al reírse de aquellos que las olas llevaban.
Fue un momento mágico a pesar de tragar agua salada y ser arropada por el toldo más de lo que me agradaría viví un momento de paz y felicidad.
Me sentí en casa, me sentí completa y yo.
Luego de años me sentí libre.

I really got stressed and decided to swim or try to swim because the waves were very violent (someone should have stopped me) when I got in it was not so bad I thought I could get further and when I turned to call my brother I was dragged by a wave, of course he did not stop laughing on the shore while I swallowed salt water, I decided to try again (bad idea) I took another wave and there if I gave up the idea hahaha.
The rest of the afternoon I was with my brother on the shore being his accomplice while laughing at those that the waves were carrying.
It was a magical moment in spite of swallowing salt water and being sheltered by the awning more than I would like, I lived a moment of peace and happiness.
I felt at home, I felt complete and me.
After years I felt free.


[ Foto tomada por mi desde mi Android]


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I am glad you felt you again. You felt complete.
The sea... it can be tricky and sometimes it play with us hahaha
Feliz año querida @orita 😀

Yes, I managed to feel that my home was no longer only in my heart, haha yes the sea plays a lot with us, I love the sea but it is tricky.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! A HUG and my best wishes for this beautiful new year❤️✨

How great feeling, being at home not just in the heart but for real!! 💙
Have a good start of the week 🥂

It's the best feeling, to see a longing come true is something indescribable, thank you! Have a beautiful start of the week too ❤️

Que linda Playa

There is no place like home, the beach doesn't cease to give you that peace you really desire and of course the fun that comes with it. I'm sure you have lots of salt in you already 😂😂