jamming session week 46-my improvition chord D major by samuelstifen

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hello friends of universo jamming community and welcome to my blog too, I am @samuelstifen and welcome you all so that we remain enthusiastic to continue working and providing good inspiration for those around us.

This jamming is to train us to play with the habit of playing a musical instrument and also we will get used to and be proficient in doing what we often do. That jamming is also growth for us so that we can be more fluent in doing things that may be complicated for us to train to become accustomed to doing it easily.I also do it at home or outside to train my fingers to get used to playing chords and melodies, and I also believe that the process of difficulty will produce good results, and the spirit for us to continue working.

universo jamming session week 46 I bring an improvised chord that I made from D major. this is my habit of jamming every time I pull my guitar, I always make new chords with a stable tempo I think it sounds beautiful. I don't know this sounds beautiful I hope you like it and enjoy it. the chords I give are not that complicated but maybe it can be done. maybe that's all I can say this week I hope you enjoy it.

and also thank you to the team who organized this and gave their time and energy for this event. I hope this new jamming session event will be better known and more successful in the future. maybe that's all I can say thank you.

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Hello broo, nice to see yiu join us to enjoy this amazing family.
Your jam is one in a million. Very cool man. Bravo bro

thankyou so much my brother

¡Hola hermano! estamos agradecidos y honrados de contar con tu presencia y talento en nuestro escenario, ¡bienvenidos a Universo Jamming!. ¡Seguro que es una progresión de acordes interesante! ¡Me hubiera encantado escuchar una guitarra solista sobre esos acordes! pero prestando más atención a lo que has tocado noté un acorde en particular que me llamó mucho la atención, porque crea algún tipo de disonancia, pero aun así suena genial es muy muy interesante, ¡felicidades! ¡Buen trabajo y gracias por participar en la semana 46 de Jamming Session! bendiciones de amor abundante y paz para ti hermano.

P.d: por favor mantén el mínimo de 300 palabras y traduce tu publicación al español, es parte de la normativa de la comunidad.

Hello bro! we are grateful and honored to have your presence and talent in our stage, welcome to Universo Jamming!. That is an interesting chord progression for sure! i would have loved to hear a lead guitar over those chords! but paying closer attention to what you have played i noticed a particular chord that strongly caught my attention, because it creates some kind of dissonance, but still sounding cool its very very interesting, congratulations! good job and thanks for participating in Jamming Session week 46! blessings of love abundance and peace for you brother.

p.s : please keep the minimum of 300 words and translate your post to spanish, it´s part of the community's normative.

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thank you brother,i will do it for repair next week.thanks for enjoy my music

Gracias por compartir tu talento con nosotros hermano siempre bienvenido me gusto ti Jam, esa progresión de acordes y el ritmo hicieron un momento genial.

Bendiciones Infinitas llenas de inspiración, armonía y amor.