Hi! I discovered The Ink Well community pretty recently, and I'm loving these tips. Since English is not my first language, I'm always cautious when switching from present tense to past tense, but I feel like I'm starting to get the hang of it.
My most recent story is written mainly in present tense, because I wanted the reader to feel inside the actions happening in that precise moment. But, I also had to add some past tense passages to it to give a bit of necessary context. Now that I'm reading these tips I believe I did it right and that makes me happy! Hopefully other bilingual authors are starting to feel that way about their work.
Thank you so much for sharing this content!
I'm so glad to hear you find the tips useful, @zoeanavid. And I was very interested to read about your journey as a writer. You are brave for writing fiction in a language that is not your native language! Kudos to you for that!
Thank you very much for your kind comment, I feel inspired to keep on doing what I love, writing, every time I receive support like this. Have a great day! 💜