Damn... You're good.
Huh...there's just something so eerie, so vague and mysterious about this particular story, that makes me think it could fit well as some type of classic Halloween Tale to tell around campfires. I don't know... That's the vibe I get from it I guess.
Goddamn though, Poor Raph😂! Dude only wanted his freaking flashlight but Jess kept zoning out XD
That ending though, something ain't right with that girl tbh 👀... Good choice of music btw! Really sets the mood for the story.
Now to more pressing matters:
kissing elbows
Kissing what? °_°... Please tell me that's an expression and not some normal thing couples usually do?
I don't think she zoned out - thoughts happen in seconds, and she was more just pissed off as she moved along the tunnel, annoyed at him because he should have bought his own torch.
Haha yes all parts of the body are kissable and should be kissed, especially when lovers first explore each other!!
Glad you enjoyed it.
Ohh... I see. She still ain't right though lol.
Wait, even the👀... Actually forget it, I already got my answer for that.
And but of course, it was brilliant as always!
Haha it depends if the 👀 are attached 👻😂
That is nuts🤣!
But in theory, makes a lot of sense.