A dance partner in my wonderland


It was a strange night! There was a thick fog. The moon was barely visible behind the clouds, it was a blurry spot that allowed us to glimpse the terrifying shadows of some leafless trees, whose arched branches resembled long arms open to the sky, which in turn harassed the route.
I felt a very strong shiver, and suddenly, when I turned around, I had Alice's rabbit behind me. He was white, intelligent and really late and with his watch in his hands; I wanted to meet him personally and it was my big opportunity, I couldn't miss it. I was always a curious girl, I am today, and I will never stop being one. My many-mindedness, like Alice's, has been an inseparable part of my life, because I feel that my desire to achieve authenticity lies in it.
-Come down from there, he whispered in my ear, while he wanted to see the moon.
It was him… I noticed that, because I could see his long, pink ears stretching and shrinking in the dark space of the terrace. I had come to the kitchen to get some water, but there was something in the sky and I climbed up on a chair to look.
-Come down from there, he repeated from time to time, while I decided to look at the moon as it looked at me. And then I got down, but he was already walking through the garden and I was following him, like Alice, to see where he was going, only this time there was no hole.
-"My ears and whiskers, it's getting late!" he said as he slid down the green grass full of night dew.
It was his favorite phrase and mine too, since I read the story, when I was younger, because I have read it many times and each time it is a different reading.
-Look! You have to remember that tomorrow is your graduation, at 3:45 in the afternoon, and you can hurt yourself if you fall off that chair, and you don't want to miss that special day.
-God! -You keep reminding me of the times when I have a lot to do. But I pestered him, I walked through the garden behind his robust body covered in hair as white as the foam my mom uses to wash clothes. I have to chase him because he keeps going farther and farther away and I need to know why he does it.
-Come, please, don't go far away, I'm tired, -and he answered: -Go back to your bed and rest because tomorrow your friends are waiting for you and you shouldn't be late for anything in this world.
Then I remembered that it was my graduation and that I needed an accomplice for the dance; I knew that if he accompanied me, I would be the sensation of the whole school, the most told story of the moment. My mom had bought a beautiful white dress that matched her "furry suit"; It also had blue ribbons that intertwined at the bottom, just like Alice had in that story that I enjoyed so much, and for my hair a blue ribbon like hers too.
I approached again and this time, willing to do anything to reach him, because I needed to know more about him, I also wanted him to tell me about Alice; she was one of my favorite storybook characters and because she would be my companion tomorrow afternoon and I would convince him at all costs.
-Come here for a moment, - I approached as if I were going to give him a cup of tea like the ones the Mad Hatter and the Hare made.
-I want us to go to school together tomorrow, I want to introduce you to my friends.
-And why would I want to be introduced to your friends? - he answered.
Because more than half of the “storybook world” knows you, but I want the other half to know that you are you, Alice's fantastic companion.
-So! -he said, hesitating, -I will only go if you promise me that you will be a very good girl like Alice, or better, perhaps; and because I am caught between reality and fantasy, and only by doing a good deed like this, I will be able to return to the garden with my faithful companions from the story. -Yes, of course, she needs you, -I answered quickly.
-I have to explain to her that she cannot set limits; she has to be able to achieve what she wants and I will give her the strength she needs, I will jump with her the obstacles she finds on the way. "My God! My God!" -she exclaimed again and again.
To which I answered with certainty, -of course, we will go together, holding hands and singing, so that everyone knows that I will also jump with you the barriers that I have found in life and that I also live "in a wonderland."
So I asked, with a joyful tremor, in his ear, because I wanted to hear that answer from his rabbit-like mouth in a children's story:
-How long is forever? - and then he answered, just as he does: - “Sometimes, just a second”!

Thank you for reading, it only takes a second!
Original content.
I'll be keeping an eye on the comments.
I'd love to hear what you think and help me chart my path in Hive.
Photos: Pixabay.com https://www.istockphoto.com/es/vector/hora-del-t%C3%A9-en-el-pa%C3%ADs-de-las-maravillas-conejo-blanco-y-ni%C3%B1a-ilustraci%C3%B3n-vectorial-gm1391221096-447911353


Acaso hay algo más lindo que ésta historia de Alicia en el país de la maravillas.
Me encantó tu personaje hablando con el conejo blanco, y la forma en que él trata de protegerte y de mostrarte lo que debes hacer al otro día: tu graduación.
Esté conejo fue más cortez con su Alicia.


Gracias, me gusta mucho esta historia y sus bien logrados personajes.

A classic of literature for all ages, especially children, a fable that shares several lessons for life.

Así es, un clásico de la literatura universal que ha llegado a todos los corazones que lo han disfrutado, gracias por leerme!

A beautiful classic here. You bring reality and fantasy in a single piece. It's a creative writing from the depths of your imagination. I liked it.

Thanks for bringing this to our eyes

It is truly a classic of universal literature, which reaches every space where growth and the search for identity are encouraged. Thank you.

You're welcome dear

Hello @yeleisma2023. Thank you for writing in The Ink Well and for supporting the works of other members of the community.

Please note that all images used in submissions to The Ink Well (and most communities on Hive) need to be royalty-free, owned/purchased by you, or images taken by you. As you are new to Hive and to The Ink well you may not be aware of this. We note that although you have sourced your images, they are from the istock website which is not royalty-free. Please could you replace these images in this post and let us know when this has been done, and we will then complete the curation of your piece :-) We would also encourage you to read our FAQ and guidelines contained in a pinned post on our community page to ensure that your future submissions meet the requirements of the community.

Your story was an interesting creative spin-off of Alice in Wonderland. I was intrigued with your perspective. However, we don't get to find out why or how the white rabbit ended up suspended between reality and fantasy, and I think this is an interesting part of the untold story. If this is the conflict, it is underplayed. We don't see the outcome and there is therefore no resolution and no arc to satisfy the reader fully. If you focus on ensuring these elements are included in your next piece it will elevate your stories.

I look forward to reading more from you. A refreshing read from a new writer in our community!

Hello, I had not responded to your comments because I had no internet connection, as we have some power problems. I really appreciate your suggestions, which would be more than guidelines; I have not found these aspects related to the suspense of the stories in the community description, it is up to the reader: the suspense, the assumption, the imagining of what will happen. Regarding the images, I do not know how to delete them and return to the post with others or simply without them, if you explain it to me perhaps I will be able to do so, because I know that I should not delete them and re-upload the post. This theoretical exchange is a pleasure, I plan to continue to delve into this community with your help, because although I am not a writer, from my profession, a professor of Spanish-Literature, I have learned about writing, although for a long time I have dedicated myself to the revision, writing and correction of scientific articles in the publishing house of the university where I work and apparently, I have lost some faculties in the literary text. If you tell me how to delete the photos, I will return to the post. Thank you and I hope to achieve the suggested instructions, since it is in this community where I feel free to put on the lines what my imagination dictates to me, which I cannot do in my work. Pay attention to your new recommendations.