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RE: A tiny light in the midst of great darkness - (The Inkwell prompt #78)

in The Ink Well3 years ago

So if others used the same descriptions and paragraphs elsewhere, that makes it right?
We only accept Original write ups in The Ink Well, and that is stated clearly in the rules.@justine619,

Most of the expressions you used are almost fully identical to other texts. And very distinct from your personal inputs.

Do NOT keep doing that, or you'd have much more troubles around hive than just in this community, take it as an advice as I did not report this, but others might if you keep at it.

Regarding the "writing isn't your thing", no you did not state that in any of your comments/posts on Hive.

I guess you checked my older posts then realised it’s been long I posted here

I wouldn't worry about how I know what I know.

Finally, I will remove the downvotes, but not the muting in the community. Good luck on your journey in Hive.