"writing isn't your thing". What changed?Hi @justine619, I thought you left Hive because
You have plagiarized this portion of your text from this source. And I can't be bothered to gather where you plagiarized and spun the rest from.
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"writing isn't your thing". What changed?Hi @justine619, I thought you left Hive because
You have plagiarized this portion of your text from this source. And I can't be bothered to gather where you plagiarized and spun the rest from.
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I’m an Architect and that was one line which we used during my undergraduate days to describe a mansion, it was common among my colleagues and lecturers, it came to my head again.

It’s just like asking me a certain definition and because I defined with what I’m used to you then said I plagiarised.
I think if you search through further you’ll realise it’s common among people involved in buildings
I’ll send more common description that looks exactly like this! I think it’s common among people in the built-environment to describe fancy buildings.
@yaziris I’ve read several posts on the platform about people saying writing isn’t their thing but I’ve never made such comment/ post.
People that know me personally know writing is my thing, my phone notepad is filled with several write ups which I might not even post on any platform. I guess you checked my older posts then realised it’s been long I posted here, I got busy I never lacked inspiration. But now that you mentioned it I’ll be a silent reader here
So if others used the same descriptions and paragraphs elsewhere, that makes it right?
We only accept Original write ups in The Ink Well, and that is stated clearly in the rules.@justine619,
Most of the expressions you used are almost fully identical to other texts. And very distinct from your personal inputs.
Do NOT keep doing that, or you'd have much more troubles around hive than just in this community, take it as an advice as I did not report this, but others might if you keep at it.
Regarding the "writing isn't your thing", no you did not state that in any of your comments/posts on Hive.
I wouldn't worry about how I know what I know.
Finally, I will remove the downvotes, but not the muting in the community. Good luck on your journey in Hive.