in The Ink Well15 hours ago


Most wealthy individuals prefer keeping their wealth closer to their reach instead of the bank, Mr Black was among the very few wealthy individuals with this mindset.
"My riches are better off in my own hands than in the hands of legal organizations," Mr. Black would tell his employees; though they never understood what he meant, they felt he often employed the use of a certain figure of speech in his statement of which they couldn't fathom.
Mr black was so wealthy that he controlled some production companies and was a shareholder in some. He owned a bank and a sawmill, and he often invested his money in food processing; as a man who loves interior decorations, he owned a gigantic furniture shop. Mr black owned a fleet of cars, a nice house, and specially trained security personnel that escorted him everywhere he went.
Mr black was so wealthy that he owned the bank but never had his name registered under any bank most people found it absurd and asked questions like
"Where does Mr black keep all his money"
Mr black uses his furniture store as a warehouse for keeping his money and has a special room only he has access to. He forbade any of his employees to go close to the door, let alone touch it.
Nosa, Mr Black's furniture shop manager, sensed something was off due to the fact that new furniture came in every week even when sales were not made, so he decided to confront Mr black.
" Mr Black" Nosa called for attention,
" Yes Nosa, how can I help you?" Mr black turned to Nosa's direction swiftly,
" I noticed that new furniture is brought into the shop every week even when sales are hardly made, I wish to know the reason sir," Nosa asked,
" I pay you to make sure my goods leave this store just as they come in, maybe if you did your homework well enough new furniture weekly won't be a problem, I hope this question does not reoccur ever again" Mr black lashed,
" I'm sorry sir I was just concerned I'll do my part" Nosa apologized,
" That's what I like to hear," Mr Black said and walked away.
A certain day came and an employee who was cleaning the store just after new furniture was brought in found a bundle of $100 bills on the floor. Being a person of integrity he took the money and reported it to the manager Mr. Nosa then and there Nosa knew Mr black kept his money in the furniture, and driven by greed Nosa devised a plan to take as much money as he could get, he planned this scandal with the security men, the drivers, and the security department in charge of the cameras he convinced them and they also driven by greed gave in.
A sales discount party was to be held two weeks after, and it was the perfect time for Nosa and his accomplices to strike; a day before the party, all the cameras would be disabled, and the security men were very alert; Nosa brought in some men with firearms for a very successful operation. Just as the party ended, Nosa and his guys sprung into action, based on trust and accountability, Mr black left the store for Nosa to lock up and went home. Just as Mr black left, Nosa's men came out fully masked out of the black van parked outside the store; they got in and started tearing up the furniture only to find stocks of $100 bills on every piece of furniture; they packaged the money into bags and anything they could find.
Nosa, at a point, took off his mask right under the huge chandelier in the store room where the majority of Mr Black's money was hidden. It was unknown to him that Mr black installed a hidden camera right under the chandelier, which was controlled from his forbidden office, so the security department didn't have access to it.
The scandal was successful but little did Nosa know that the camera under the chandelier caught his face. The next morning, on discovering what had happened, Mr black informed the police, and one could hear their sirens from miles away.
Immediately Nosa came into work, Mr black interrogated him, and he denied having anything to do with i,t, claiming it must have happened after he left. Mr black, not satisfied with his explanation, went into his forbidden office to view the recordings from the camera and was shocked to see Nosa.
" Arrest this theif " Mr black beckoned on the police to arrest Nosa,
" You are mistaken sir, I'm innocent," Nosa said in his defense,
" Are you? I keep dollar bills in my store and you feel I won't secure what's mine? The chandelier, you see, there's a hidden camera underneath it, and it caught your face." Mr black opened up, showing his laptop to both Nosa and the officers.
Nosa had no other option than to return the money and give off the names of his accomplices to the police they were all arrested and faced the cold and just hands of the law.


That was really careless of Nosa. I mean, that heist (or scandal, you call it) was really flawless because he's able to convince other crooks like him to betray their employer. I guess truth does find a way to be discovered. Thanks for sharing, @ubdan313.

Good day!

Thanks so much for stopping by

You're welcome!

In my country there is a saying that goes: “create fame and go to sleep”. Nose didn't think he already had a reputation of honorable, but no: he was a real rascal. Greetings

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