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RE: The Music that survived Genocide

in The Ink Well2 years ago

I can only agree with you, the Christianity which was imposed on us here... has little to do with Christ. Nice that you write me so responsible words.
It is used under the guise of the devil. I am researching the genealogy of the Bible because I did not know who I was due to the genocide of my family.
We here in Germany have been completely uprooted from everything concerning the Creator and Mother Earth.

Christ existed before the world existed. I am with Him with all my heart, because without Him.... I would not have been able to find, after what I was willing to find.

They want to eradicate the original population here and impose a new world order on us, with satanic features. What is happening here is equal to the Bible... the digital euro is coming, the mark of the beast, they want to smash Christianity and wage war against Jesus, especially the Catholic Church, which since the 18th century is under the leadership of Talmudists ass kissers.

I know that the suffering of the earth is great and even though you may not be able to let it fully work in you yet.... trust in Jesus, because he is the way out.
His words: We also know that we belong to God, even if the whole world is ruled by the devil.

I am not in any religion, I found Jesus without going to church because I called out to him out of total desperation.

Have a nice day, peace be with you. 🙏💙