theinkwell | Short Story Writing Prize - 100 Hive in Prizes | Closed Monday 7 September 2020

in The Ink Well5 years ago (edited)
Authored by @shanibeer



Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images on Pixabay

Welcome to The Ink Well Short Story Writing Prize

Welcome to The Ink Well's first short story writing prize! The Ink Well will have two writing prizes this year, this one and another in November. This time we are celebrating the Fiction Challenge which ran for 13 weeks from May to August 2020.

For this writing prize, The Ink Well is looking for fully developed and edited short stories with a complete story arc. Deadline for entries is 10am UTC on Monday 7 September 2020.

Only entries which are linked in a comment on this post will be eligible for the Writing Prizes.There is 100 Hive in prizes (1st 50 Hive, 2nd 25 Hive, 3rd 15 Hive and 4th 10 Hive) and entries will be curated by The Ink Well for @curie and @ocd votes.

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How To Enter

The Ink Well is about encouraging high quality creative writing from story tellers. The Writing Prize is open to everyone, whether you are an experienced writer or just starting your writing journey. Please ensure you read and meet the Community Rules before submitting your entry.

You can choose one or all of the prompts below for your story.

Prompts for the Writing Prize

Option 1 - AI lover - "AI" is artificial intelligence
Option 2 - the gods will die
Option 3 - redemption

What You Need To Do - Rules of Entry

  • using the prompts, write a story that has a minimum of 350 words.
  • post it in The Ink Well Community.
  • use the title format: "theinkwell writing prize | title of your story".
  • include the tags: #theinkwell #writingprize #story.
  • post a link in the comments of this post - this is your entry to the writing prize, don't forget to do it!

Only include the tag #posh if you are sharing your story on Twitter. If you share your story, include a link to the tweet in a comment on your post.

Remember, original work only - no plagiarism or re-posts!
The deadline is 10am UTC on Monday 7th September 2020.

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What We Are Looking For

The Writing Prize is about encouraging and rewarding high quality creative writing. Stories are curated against the following criteria:

SettingTime and place the story is set and whether this affects the story. Has the writer created a world that is believable?
Plot and structureWhat is the story arc? Does the story incorporate conflict, climax and resolution? Is it linear, chronological or does it move around?
CharactersHow are characters drawn in the story? What is their role in the story? Do they change or remain the same? Are they fresh and original or stereotypical? Are they believable?
StyleThe writer's use of language, imagery and tone.
PresentationDoes the presentation and formating enhance the writing? Has the writer developed their story and corrected mistakes?

Writing Tips - Story Arcs

You will find a full list of writing tips to help you in this post.

Posts about story arcs:
What is a Story Arc?
The Magic Starts at the Beginning
The Fiction Challenge - Week 7

Examples of Story Arcs

You Never Can Tell by @dirge


Image by Sabine Tetzner on Pixabay

Here's @dirge's take on story arcs:

all good stories follow a traditional three act narrative. There are exceptions, sure, but the three acts are important. Why? They represent the progression of the central conceit, or truth, as it unravels through the process of characters driving a plot forward.

Here's an extract from @dirge's story:

I never agreed with Yuri that we existed in a space constructed by human hands. There is a madness to the dungeons, to such a degree as it could not have been conceived by flesh and blood. I do not aim to say that humanity is not mad. On the contrary, I believe that to be our basic state. But we could not conceive of these tunnels. They are too grand in scale, too hopelessly and endlessly chaotic to be made by human hands.

Dancing with the Devil by @seesladen


Here's an extract from @seesladen's story:

"It is time."

The voice of the robed man brought my thoughts back to the present. Once again he was standing with us, but this time we all stood at the mouth of the Passage. Kara and I about to truly answer the call. Robed man handed us two miniature capsules each. They were both identical.

"One for you and one for the passage. Offer the wrong one and there will be no passage. You will know when the time is right."

Nahualita by @saulos


An extract from @saulos' story:

Two days passed and the neighbor became suspicious of not seeing Mrs. Jacinta and her husband, since they never missed mass, the main door was open, so she came in greeting, but suddenly she was paralyzed. Her sister came behind her, when she saw the scene, she covered her eyes and dragged her away.

You'll find other examples of story arcs by The Ink Well subscribers linked in the comments on this post.

Any Questions?

If you have any questions, put them in a comment below.

Before We Go

Don't forget to read other people's entries and leave them a comment. The Ink Well will be searching for and tipping good comments!

We're looking forward to reading your stories!

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We would like to invite lovers of poetry and short stories to visit The Ink Well, a Hive community started by @raj808 and run by @shanibeer and @stormlight24 with support from moderators @carolkean and @jayna.

It is now possible to follow The Ink Well curation trail on Hive blockchain with Hive.Vote. Simply navigate to the curation trail section and search for theinkwell and our trail will pop up as an option.

PeakD.If you wish to delegate to @theinkwell and support creative writing on Hive, you can do this from the wallet section in

A big thank you for our delegations from: @shanibeer @jayna @ocd-witness @kaelci @trucklife-family @preparedwombat @iamraincrystal @owasco @agmoore @marcybetancourt

Click banner to visit our community page

Find us on twitter by clicking the banner above.

 5 years ago (edited) 

Wow! I feel really lucky to get back to this community and find out about the amazing interaction and initiatives and contests going on.

Here's my contribution for this short story writing contest: The Secret to Outliving Everyone

illustratie The Secret to Outliving Everyone.jpg


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Thank you for your entry :)

 5 years ago  

Hi folks. Here's my take.

Just want to say thanks to everyone who has put this project together. I have enjoyed all of the prompts, and they have given me inspiration to sit down and try and write some fiction each week or so.

Gratitude for the work of everyone involved.
@raj808 @shanibeer @stormlight24 @carolkean @jayna.

And good luck to all the other writers out there.

Thank you for your entry :)


Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

Thank you for your entry :)


Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

 5 years ago  

This is my second entry to the contest, with an extra effort to put in a well defined story arc:
Short Story: Personal Treasure
illustratie Personal Treasure.jpg

Thank you for your entry :)


Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

This is my entry..
The journey of redemption

Thank you for your entry :)


Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

Greetings, it's good to be back and participate in the contest.

Here my entry

Much success for everyone.

Thank you for your entry :)

You're welcome. It is a pleasure for my joy.


Thank you!

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

You're welcome. Thanks for the tokens.

 5 years ago  

10 am UTC ... almost got messed up behind this because I'm on Pacific time ... but Ms. Bowler works all hours!

Midnight Basketball, Big Bad Criminal Redemption Style

The Mystery of Iniquity will be coming to Hive in full finished form in the next few weeks for members of the Ink Well ...By the way: I know a lot of people want to read Darcy Bowler's full origin story. @shanibeer shared a GREAT idea that I am working on in order to not have Amazon throwing fits in the future ...

Shared on twitter:

I think I can get into this. Nice

Hello @dotnb your entry must be published in The Ink Well community to qualify for the writing prize.

Oh shoot... How did I miss that?
I guess I should have another entry coming up soon then.

Thanks for the info

Hello, this is my entry for theinkwell writing contest.

Good luck to all!

This is my participation in the contest:
Greetings, friends of @theinkwell I congratulate the excellent initiative to give writers space to develop their creativity.

Quería participar pero vi en las reglas, que debo hacerlo en Ingles, trataré de conseguir un buen traductor para ver si logro hacerlo a tiempo!

👉 Hello friends, I leave here my participation in such an exclusive writing contest, successful for everyone and may the Gods choose the best, best regards...

Friends, this is my participation for Theinkwell writing prize:


@shanibeer @stormlight24 and @jayna, I can't log into Discord on my new (used) laptop and will have to retriee the old one to see how derelict in my duties I have been. (Derecho, vertigo, vestibular migraine, techno-challenges: what else is new with keangaroo?) Thank you for your patience with me!

@carolkean good to hear from you! Take your time :)

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

Thank you for your entry :)


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