The Ink Well Manifesto - for Writers, Readers and Investors

in The Ink Well4 years ago (edited)
Authored by @shanibeer

This manifesto contains a summary of our community plans and policies.

Note: This article will be modified as our community and rules need to be updated. Most recent update: May 19, 2021


For Writers - Sections 1 & 2
For Readers - Sections 1 & 3
For Investors - Sections 1 & 4
Editorial Team and Community Builders - Section 5
Follow @theinkwell account for the latest news and activities.

Section 1. About The Ink Well

The Ink Well is a tokenised community for readers and writers on the Hive blockchain. At its simplest, blockchain technology enables the creation of tokens, in this case, Hive, which can be used to reward writers for creating stories and to reward readers for reading stories.

Hive tokens can be used in a variety of ways, including staking or vesting them (known as powering up); exchanging them for second-layer tokens (including gaming and income tokens) or trading them for fiat currencies (eg USD, GBP, Euro etc) or goods and services. Tokens can also be used for tipping.

Hive is a powerful, secure, decentralised blockchain with low cost of entry, an active, creative community and fast, free transactions. Writers can set up a permanent blog for their stories and begin earning for very little or no cost.

The Ink Well aims to use these features to help create income for writers through various means including upvotes and tipping. This will complement other forms of income for writers including traditional publishing, Amazon KDP and platforms like Patreon.

In addition, Hive rewards readers for reading stories. Half the tokens that are created and distributed go to the writer, the other half is shared between the people that read the story.

This feature - the ability to reward readers - creates unprecedented potential for writers to develop their audience and draw more people to their stories. The Ink Well can also provide a portal for readers to the writer's work in other media and channels like Amazon KDP.

Writers can continue to build relationships with readers through the comments, and through rewarding readers' comments with Hive, tips, second-layer tokens or through sponsoring readers with Hive Basic Income (HBI) shares.

The Ink Well's focus is short stories. While there may be opportunities for expansion in the future, this simple focus helps to ensure that volunteer staff can guide and support the community with limited resources.

The Ink Well is co-ordinated by an editorial team of experienced writers, editors and teachers. If you have an interest in participating as a community builder or volunteer staff member, please comment on a current post by The Ink Well with your interest.

Community Rules

Everyone is welcome in The Ink Well. We try to keep rules to a minimum but we have found it useful to put the following in place:

  • The Ink Well is for short stories. Please do not post unrelated content, as it may be muted.
  • Plagiarism - presenting other people's work as your own - of words or images is not acceptable. Plagiarized content will be identified and dealt with swiftly and decisively - from stern warnings to downvotes to being reported to projects that counter abuse to the user being completely muted from the community.
  • We only accept 100% original content. We do not accept re-posts of previously published content or content that is published elsewhere in any form.
  • We encourage constructive feedback, but be gentle.
  • Please write posts and comments in English; you may include other languages in addition to English.
  • No personal abuse or trolling. This includes racism, sexist remarks, homophobia, threats of violence or any bullying behaviour.
  • No hate posts or posts depicting featuring brutality, rape, abuse, violence, blood or gore. The Ink Well welcomes all genres, but we draw the line at brutality, rape, gore, gratuitous violence and excessive blood. Do not post stories with these themes in The Ink Well.

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Section 2. For Writers

1. What The Ink Well Is Looking For

The Ink Well is looking for beautifully crafted original fictional short stories with a clear story arc, rounded characters and a satisfying resolution for the reader, as well as creative nonfiction short stories based on real life experiences and events. Fledgling writers are welcome and both new and experienced writers will find a library of writers' tips to inspire and develop their skills.

Good fictional short stories will meet the following editorial criteria:

SettingTime and place the story is set and how this affects the story. Has the writer created a world that is believable?
Story arcWhat is the story arc? Does the story incorporate conflict, climax and resolution? Is the ending satisfying to the reader?
CharactersHow are the characters drawn? What is their role in the story? Do they change or remain the same? Are they fresh and original or stereotypical? Are they believable?
StyleThe writer's use of language, imagery and tone. Is the writer engaging? Are they showing not telling? Does the story stay with you after you have read it?
PresentationDo the editing and presentation enhance the writing? Has the writer developed their story and corrected mistakes?

We strongly encourage writers to focus on building their audience through engaging and interacting with other writers and readers, and building the amount of Hive they hold, as these are the key to a long-term, sustainable income.

Writers may delegate Hive to The Ink Well to help build the sustainability of the community.

2. Posting Guidelines

These are general guidelines. Please see The Ink Well writing prompts for specific rules.

  • Stories must be in English. Hispanic writers using machine translators such as Google Translate are advised to work with a bilingual editor.
  • Stories should have a minimum of 350 words and a maximum of 2,000 words; our guidance is that the ideal word count range is 700 to 1,500 words for our online community.
  • Use appropriate tags - the first five tags to categorize content, up to five more for tribes and affiliations (be wary of accidentally simultaneously posting your exclusive content to another community). Tag spam is not acceptable, either in the tags or by tagging accounts.
  • Images may either be your own or from a license-free site such as Pixabay, Pexels, Unsplash, Creative Commons or the Hive stock image index. Images must be properly credited, with a link to image sources for any images you do not own.

3. Membership of The Ink Well

Anyone may post in The Ink Well, providing they meet the Community Rules and the posting guidelines.

Members will have demonstrated that they produce well-crafted stories that meet the curation criteria to a good standard, and are regularly participating in the community by supporting other writers' work. Members will receive a badge that certifies the quality of their writing.

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Section 3. For Readers

Anyone may read stories in The Ink Well at any time, completely free of charge.

However, by opening a Hive account and purchasing Hive equivalent to the value of a paperback book once a month for a year, readers will receive rewards for reading which can be used in a variety of ways including exchanging for fiat currencies (eg USD, GBP, Euros). The greater the amount of Hive the reader has, the greater their potential to receive rewards.

Readers will be able to directly support their favourite and new authors as well as interacting with them through comments, while also receiving rewards for reading. Readers can participate in reader campaigns and competitions and delegate Hive to individual writers to help them prosper.

Readers may also delegate Hive to The Ink Well to help build the sustainability of the community.

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Section 4. For Investors

The Ink Well benefits from support from approximately 25 investors through delegations. This includes support from the OCD Communities Incubation Programme to help The Ink Well towards sustainability and the Curie curation initiative.

The Hive blockchain offers many new models of supporting social, economic and creative activity to create social impact. In The Ink Well model, social impact investors purchase a stake in Hive over which they retain ownership.

The Hive stake is delegated by the investor to The Ink Well and is used by The Ink Well to generate wealth to fund activities and to grow The Ink Well stake. Over time, The Ink Well will become sustainable and able, independently, to fund its operation and to invest in new ventures.

This model offers many benefits for social impact investors:

  • A thriving, tokenised community providing social, economic and cultural value to writers and readers and their wider communities.
  • Added value to the creative industries overall.
  • Increased equality, especially for BME and non-traditional writers.
  • The investor's stake remains intact and is available for re-investment.
  • The original investment stake benefits from increased value.
  • The model and lessons learned can be applied to other creative, social, environmental and economic use cases to achieve social impact.

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Section 5. Editorial Team and Community Builders

The editorial team is responsible for the governance and development of The Ink Well. In addition, members of the editorial team curate posts for the Curie curation initiative. The editorial team is recompensed for its work.

Community builders are meeters and greeters, welcoming and supporting writers and readers and helping to resolve routine enquiries. They also look for and invite other short story and fiction writers and readers to join The Ink Well. Community builders may also be recompensed for their work, as deemed by the administrative team based on involvement and engagement.

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We would like to invite lovers of short stories to visit The Ink Well, a Hive community started by @raj808 and @stormlight24 and run by @jayna, @agmoore and @gracielaacevedo.

It is now possible to follow The Ink Well curation trail on Hive blockchain with Hive.Vote. Simply navigate to the curation trail section and search for theinkwell and our trail will pop up as an option.

If you wish to delegate to @theinkwell and support creative writing on Hive, you can do this from the wallet section in PeakD.

A big thank you to all our delegators

Click banner to visit our community page

Find us on twitter by clicking the banner above.

Hello the ink well, I am grateful for the treatment my publications have received in this community, as well as for your useful writing tips. This manifesto is another proof of the commitment of this community to value our work, I agree with it and again thank the ink well.

Thank you for your support.

My full support for you!

Thank you, The Ink Well looks forward to working with the Literatos community.

I think it's a great idea. Any proposal will be welcome!

I am impressed by reading a couple of posts in this category and subscribed to the community! I will post one today to see if I pass the test! Thank you for motivating creativity in members.

Thank you for joining us. You're welcome to join the Writing Prize - just one more day before the deadline!

What if content is cross-posted from Hive as the origin then secondary to the other sites? Or although we do not have canonical the content is first on my personal blog then hive then the other sites?

We are looking for exclusive content. As a general principle, writers would not publish the same story to multiple sites, it would not be considered either good professional, ethical or economic practice. Exclusive content increases the credibility of writers and The Ink Well and will be significant when we are working with publishers - they will want original copyright work.
Our advice to writers is that they develop a portfolio of stories, some of which are published to Hive, some to other sites and channels. All of these can be recorded and linked on Hive through a Book Store.

Exclusive content serves the interests of the publishing industry. It 'increases the credibility of writer' only to the extent that readers continue to abdicate their judgment of what constitutes 'good' fiction to industry gatekeepers or brands.

The internet has created the opportunity change the standard practice of first-time or exclusive rights and to fully empower writers as owners of their creative work. To see the Ink Well trying to perpetuate the old way of doing things -- to ask writers to limit themselves in the free market in order to build the brand -- on a radical new platform like Hive, is disappointing to say the least.

And to suggest that it is ethical to limit by myself as a creative artist in order to serve the interests of a centralized brand? Oh buddy, I think not.

Thank you for your point of view, you raise some important points. The great thing about the Internet and Hive is that people are free to make their own decisions. Anyone may publish anything to their blog without reference to anyone else, and everyone is free to set up a community with the boundaries or lack of boundaries they choose.

You're right of course. And, the Ink Well has clearly put together a competent, intelligent team who can appreciate literary work. I really wanted to participate. But I'm not going to refrain from sharing my work as broadly as possible.

Fair enough.

 4 years ago  

Great manifesto! The readers and writers deserve the respect that the publishers of the Pozo de Tinta do here.

There is compromise in every section. There is the intention of collective growth.

I also sign the manifesto!

Thank you for your support!

I joined Hive a few days ago and immediately searched out a community where I can showcase my stories. I'm glad to be a part of this community and this post is quite detailed. What's the duration to become a member here? I know Pro takes about three months and some conditions. Will work towards that. Thank you!

Welcome to The Ink Well, good to have you here.
You will need to have published several stories in The Ink Well that you can present in your application for membership. We'd want to see that you have been participating in the community for a few weeks and that you are building a good reputation on Hive. The Ink Well is only accepting entries to the Writing Prize at present - you are welcome to submit.

You had me at stories being turned into film - ooh la la - a girl can dream 😊

I have been feeling I may have been all storied out... but let's see if there's some left in me 😉

Being among like-minded people means your creativity is constantly being renewed 🙂

I love these plans. And it's quite nice and timely to consider and get involved in these projects just at the beginning of the year. I hope I can participate in them properly.

One question: when you say

No hate posts or posts depicting violence against women.

refers specifically to the fact that our stories should not promote this situation, but not necessarily hide it when it is part of it by trying to mirror reality?

Thank you for your support and we look forward to your continuing involvement.
In answer to your question, The Ink Well has had an unwarranted number of stories depicting violence against women with the underlying message that this was okay or inevitable or that the woman was at fault. The Community Rules are that these stories will not be accepted.

I understand. Furthermore, I fully agree with the position taken by @theinkwell. Thank you for designing this wonderful community and allowing us to be part of it.

Hello @theinkwell,

I am very pleased with the manifesto. Though I had written on various occasions in the community for practicing my English, Now, I am more confident thanks to the advice that you gave and the comments left on the posts by members of the community. Among the plans I have for this year is writing short stories (Drabble) in English. In some way, writing in a language other than my mother tongue has also helped me a lot to improve my writing in Spanish.

Although technology helps me a lot, I also have to resort very frequently to the physical dictionary entirely in English to ensure that I express myself correctly and efficiently. Of course, I also want to achieve aesthetic forms within the literature. Quite a challenge, even in my mother tongue.

I wish you the best of success in this new stage of the journey.

Thank you @janaveda - good to hear writing in The Ink Well has helped you. Have you seen the joint initiative between @es-literatos and The Ink Well to work with bilingual editors?

Well-structured and accurate representation of the goals and purpose of this community! 2021 looks like a promising year!

Thank you, look forward to more of your stories.

Wow this is really a great step forward. We appreciate your concern about our posts. Thank you the ink well.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at