A segmented history, with different narratives. The two narratives were ten years apart. We are left without knowing the causes of the difference between the youth and the adult. We sense a frustration of which we have no information. An existential reflection shades the writing that has a clear lyrical condition. We invite you to review the characteristics of a short story. We look forward to reading your stories again. We have new news that we invite you to read. We are looking forward to the interactions between the writers, @sadfish.
Ummm my bad. I need to be more clear next time then.
I was aligning my lines thinking the last 4th and 3rd paragraphs voiced out the problem that she was going through, it was the societal pressure that she could not fight anymore. The strength that she once had, she couldn't hold on to it due to societal pressure.
It was not obvious I guess then. I need to work on my expression and read more short stories. Thank you for your advice. I will follow through. I'll try to interact more, thank you for your support.