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RE: Lost in her reality

in The Ink Well2 years ago

Hello @popurri. The story is brilliant and all-too- real (unfortunately), but @itsostylish is correct. This violates community standards. We cannot allow rape, and especially incest, in the community. This has to be a standard enforced across the Inkwell. There can't be exceptions because then the floodgates open on this subject and the stories pour in.

You are a valued member of the community. A sensitive, insightful writer, but this subject is, sadly, off limits.

We know you will understand.


I understand this community rule and although I had already read it, I did it again. I let myself be carried away by the reality that unfortunately happens very often and although I do not explicitly mention what happened, it is clear the reason why the protagonist of my story suffers the loss of her memory and isolation from reality.
Grateful that we always learn from our mistakes.
I wanted to know if I can continue writing in the community
Greetings @theinkwell

We love your stories. More, please :)

Thank you very much 😊