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RE: Paolo and the spirit - The Ink Well Prompt #90

in The Ink Well2 years ago

Hello @pjpavan. This is quite and adventure you offer today. The young boy derives energy and inspiration from the ring sent to him by his grandfather. The spirit boy is the messenger. We do have one suggestion. In the beginning of the story you mention that the strange events took place "several years ago". Several usually means three or four. Perhaps if you used the word many it would be more accurate. Not a problem. We are mentioning this so that in your future stories you will use that word more precisely.

This is a readable, entertaining story and it certainly does address the prompt. Thank you for sharing this with us. We appreciate that you engage with other authors in the community.


@theinkwell, Thank you very much for your comment and for the suggestion, I have already edited the story to put the word many instead of several.