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RE: The Pajo Ant, the Queen and the Hive.

in The Ink Well2 years ago

This is a wonderful story, with a likable protagonist. Can a little ant be heroic? Yes. Although it takes time, Pajo succeeds in gaining his freedom and leading his fellow ants to a new hive. (interesting choice of words: HIVE)

It would be fine to link this story under the prompt post because there is a strong antagonist and there is a lot of rolling: the cover, the ants descending from the window. It works fine. Linking to the prompt post helps the story to get attention.

Thank you for sharing this story with us. We appreciate that you engage with other authors in the community.


@theinkwell, It is a pleasure for me to write in The ink well, and if I edit this story to enter the contest, is it possible?

another question when i edit this story, can i change the tags and put in the contest tags?