This story is rich in conflict. We understand Anny's apprehension about committing and we understand her dismay when Chris shows up with another woman. You set the scene very well, and you express the concept of blossoming because Anny is finally ready to commit.
While it is perfectly fine for readers to wonder at Chris' loyalty (honesty) you might do more to give readers a clue as to how this story might work out. The resolution, as it stands is less than satisfying. A fine story, though, with solid emotional content.
Thank you for sharing this with us. Have you commented on the stories of at least two other authors in the community? This is something we expect of our writers. Thank you!
Yeah, christ was honest with Anny , but she's not yet satisfied with the level of Chris honesty , well that's normal, because no woman will be comfortable seeing her boyfriend with another girl, Zuzzy was even holding her arm , that makes it worse for Anny, hehehe 😂
Yeah, definitely gonna improve more about the lapses you talked about... Thanks for reading through .. 😊