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RE: Tomorrow Never Knows: Entry to the InkWell Prompt Challenge #54

in The Ink Well3 years ago

What does one do to prepare for the end of the world? You infuse this story with some great humor, @litguru, making it much less dark than it could otherwise have been. Great personal prompt — today's 2-22-22.

Thank you for reading and commenting on the work of your fellow writers in The Ink Well!


What does one do to prepare for the end of the world?

That's a great question. Particularly, when the threat is overwhelming physically and mentally. We have your usual suspects: earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, etc. But what if the threat comes from beyond our familiar world? Then Houston, we have a problem. How would you even begin to prepare for that? Whatever the answer, it's best not to leave it 'till tomorrow because you never know.