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RE: Greedy desires.

in The Ink Well3 years ago

There is a saying: Anything is possible in love and war. Your story would seem to prove that. Readers can understand Annabelle's attraction to a wild life. The young are often tempted to be foolish because the young just as often don't anticipate consequences. Readers can also accept Gary's vile behavior toward Annabelle because it is consistent with his past. The one part of this story that readers might have trouble accepting is Gary's regret. Nothing that you have told us about Gary suggests this is possible for him, especially after the passage of only two months. Readers would more likely accept an explanation that Samuel simply decided to forgive her.

This story is well told. The conflict is real, and palpable. Thank you for sharing the story with the community. We appreciate very much that you support other writers with your comments.

Keep writing. You have a great imagination.