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RE: Nameless

in The Ink Well2 years ago

writer’s block has a face and can speak

You are so very clever. There is a tradition, a body of work that deals with the life of characters invented by authors. One of the most important is La Niebla, by Miguel de Unamumo. In that case, the invented character suffers an existential crisis. But your piece takes the notion in another direction. Your character doesn't want to be free of the author. He just wants the author to give him a more vivid existence.

The story touches on the boundary between physical reality and imagination, but it does so with humor. Every night when we dream we all deal with that same boundary. We wake and for an instant wonder if the dreamworld is 'real'. You tap into that experience. As readers, we wonder if Arianne's experience might also be a dream. It is an alternative and possible interpretation.

Thank you for sharing this most original story with us, @idlemind. We appreciate that you offer feedback to other authors in the community.


Got curious about "La Niebla", I'll read this one. Is this in English? The title and the author sound Spanish.

Thank you for your wonderful comment @theinkwell.