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RE: Bad people with masks//theinkwell//nonfiction story

in The Ink Welllast year

Hello @abdur1,

Thank you for writing for us once again. This time you take up your pen and offer a creative nonfiction story. The key words in the previous sentence are 'creative', and 'story'.

You have definite ideas that can be applied to a creative nonfiction story. What you lack is a character, a person who can carry your plot forward. This has to be a real person, someone you know or know of. You would need to show how that person became good or bad. You would need to give introduce a conflict conflict, a challenge the character must overcome on the way to being good or bad. You would need to set a scene, or scenes. Where did the events in your story take place? You might use dialogue, to bring the story to life.

Remember, this has to be a real person and the events have to be real, although you don't have to use real names.

Here are some pointers about how to write creative nonfiction (this was copied from one our creative nonfiction prompts).

Creative nonfiction stories are based on your real-life experiences.
We are looking for real short stories! Not advice columns, reports on crime or corruption in your city, observations on nature, recipes, religion, politics, or any other nonfiction content. Just real-life short stories.
Ideal story length is between 750 and 1500 words, but your story must be at least 350 words, at a minimum to be curated.
Please focus on quality content. Read and edit for errors! Use a grammar checker before you post your story.
We expect everyone who posts in The Ink Well to read and comment on at least two other stories for each one published.
Do not post stories featuring physical abuse, graphic violence, erotica or NSFW content.
Remember to integrate storytelling elements like characters, scene setting, dialogue and action to bring your story to life!

We wish you well as you further develop your writing skills.