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RE: theinkwell fiction challenge | The kid in the alley

in The Ink Well5 years ago

Great story although it is obviously incredibly sad at the same time! It is made even more tragic due to the fact (as you point out) this is the reality for children in so, so many places the world over. Jeez when will we humans evolve to the stage we know we should?

There was something incredibly heartbreaking about her eating the mango whilst running almost as if there may not be another chance to quite literally have enough sustenance to stay alive one more day.

The very worst part as it is also the very worst part of real life, the hand that appears to offer compassion, care and support is the one held out by the wolf :(

I know that you mentioned on Discord that you were perhaps at a low ebb and at reduced energy when you wrote this but I think that is a great way to channel such thoughts and feelings toward something positive such as a great piece of writing.

Take good care my friend :)


I highly appreciate that you took some time to read the story and to write such a detailed comment.

I know that you mentioned on Discord that you were perhaps at a low ebb and at reduced energy when you wrote this but I think that is a great way to channel such thoughts and feelings toward something positive such as a great piece of writing.

Indeed, I felt somehow more centered after letting the feelings go and transforming them in an urge to raise awareness.

Thank you for your thoughts and for stopping by.

Take care and stay safe! 💜