This is a fantastic prompt from The Inkwell and what a great teem up between The Inkwell and Dreemport💗 I do hope that a lot of you will choose to take part in this community collaboration over the next 3 weeks. They are always a lot of fun! I see people from Dreemport here writing already which is wonderful and I hope to be able to read and engage with a lot of your stories in Dreemport come Thursday this week. I'd also love to see stories in Dreemport from those who primarily call the Inkwell home and who perhaps have not used Dreemport before. Please do come over on Thursday and visit our lovely home. It takes 2 minutes to register on the site, you get to engage with other authors and also have your own post curated by a wider audience. You may even enjoy it as much as we do and choose to keep bringing your post links to Dreemport each week. I'd love that! I'm a sucker for a well-written short story and I love the quality of writing that I see in The Inkwell. Now I need to go and make an attempt at this prompt myself 🤗💥
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me too hehehehehe I'm thinking ... thinking... thinking... :)
I'll be submitting as myself hahahahaha not my anon account LOLOLbut don't worry @jayna - you won't have to figure out who I am.. hahaha
Now you are thinking...would love to see something from you!
Wonderful, @dreemsteem! Looking forward to your story!